Welcome to another fantastic episode, Cash Creator! 

Let me help you build the foundation to create momentum into 2023. 

Learn five things you can do today to position yourself as a high-end service provider who is trustworthy and relevant in today's market. Mastering these mindset pieces and strategies I teach will make people hear you, see you, search you out, and be willing to drop thousands of dollars for the privilege of working with you.  

▶️ How to Shift Your Offers, Messaging, & Mindset to Confidently Bring in High-End SALES in ANY Season!

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ #1 Charge more. Most of you aren't charging enough even to deliver your services. I've seen people put on events, pulling money out of their pocket instead of having the event pay for itself. For you to charge more, you have to solve the biggest problem. Whatever you desire to create, you need to have an offer that's capable of creating that dollar amount. 

✔️ #2 If you want to make a million bucks, you need to feel like a million bucks. What is going to contribute to you feeling amazing? Remember, people buy because of your vibe, and you embody what they desire. Become an energetic match for those willing to invest in your business. 

✔️ #3 What are you currently tolerating, need to stop doing, or need to remove from your life or business? 

Consider which factors are dragging down your energy when you need to show up. Trust that your intuition knows what raises your vibe and what needs to stop. This is the perfect time to go within, analyze and re-strategize.

✔️ #4 Show up as the power player. 

Stop giving away your power. I want you to activate that supernova frequency, starting with how you treat you. Rest is a revolution. You can chill. You can step back for a minute. You can rejuvenate yourself. At this frequency, you have stepped out of survival mode. You must be sold that your next level is inevitable; therefore, there is an ease to its creation.

✔️ #5 Get clear on the biggest block to your next level. 

The myth that you must have these extravagant program launches, big events, a large team, and an addiction to complexity will kill your growth faster than anything else. Your million-dollar dreams will die on the vine if your business model is too complex. 

◾Get clear and be truthful about where you currently are in your business so you can build on a solid foundation and get to the next level faster and faster. 

✔ If you are in Phase 1, focus on making money first, then build the business. As the cash creator, use organic lead generation strategies to attract your ideal clients. 

✔ For most people, the first step requires booking yourself out to work with 1-to-1 clients. Many people will tell you to jump into groups, but this can be ineffective for you.

✔ Bring your business to make a stable $10,000 a month. Stay in Phase 1 until you're at six figures. You may need to restructure your pricing and packaging. It's also the phase where you are proving and validating your concepts, messaging, offer, methodology, or signature system. Will people want what you're trying to sell? 

✔ Most often, people try to skip this phase because it means you need to learn content creation, marketing, and selling, which can be uncomfortable for most people. 

◾Trust is the secret ingredient to making bigger sales.

If your audience doesn't trust you or believe you can do what you say you can do, they will not buy. It doesn't matter what strategy you try. Trust is essential to create that feeling of certainty in every interaction, that feeling of, "I'm holding you, I got you, you are safe." That is when people start to be super willing to pay you a premium as you help them rapidly calibrate to their next level.


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/