Today, I reveal the secret sauce behind my highest-converting Facebook posts. Within a single day or two of meeting me online, I have brought in clients who have invested as much as $36,000 to work with me within 32 hours or less.  

The strategies I teach can also get people to find you, from a single post to binge-watching content on your Profile, and VOILA! They raise their hands to partner up with you as their guide in achieving their transformation.

▶️ Holiday Slay Series LIVE

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ Three tips on how to create posts that call in clients who are ready to invest right now:

◾Show people your clients' results. They're looking for the best person to work with right now. If you don't have testimonials or experience that you can talk about, start to gather proof of work and testimonials or client experiences that you can start to share. Some of my favorite ways to show off my clients is by asking them to write testimonials of their transformation and allowing them to share their stories in interviews as case studies. A screenshot is one of the most powerful things that you can do because people know it's not coming from you; it's coming from the client.

◾Share your own story. This is one thing people don't use very often because they feel they don't want to be talking about themselves. Your key story shows your audience that 1) you've gotten the results they desire and 2) you've been where they've been. Share your journey, not just the end result.  

◾ Speak to your power client,  the ideal client who's ready to invest right now. They are the giants, the leaders of leaders, the game changers. They are the people you are afraid to serve. Believe you have the power to lead at a higher level. If you know how to speak and connect with them from the heart — they will listen. 

✔️ There are two reasons people aren't buying from you:

◾ First, they aren't sure if you or the program is a good fit

◾ Second, they're not sure if they can get the results for themselves

Brainstorm how you can be clearer on these two points inside your marketing and start picking momentum for 2023!


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales.