I often get tapped by somebody and say, "Were you at my house last night? It's like you're speaking directly to me; you're speaking directly to my soul." The best way to attract your people to you is by talking directly to their hearts and minds by the way you post and show up for them on social media.

In this episode, there are specific things you should think about doing that will allow you to snap out buyers who are all around you and make clients pay $10k - $30k+ in FULL without batting an eyelash.

Join the FREE Cash Creation Crash Course. It's filled with smart strategies you can use to bring in 5-Figures or more THIS month!

Key points covered in this episode: 

 ✔️ Get crystal clear on who your ideal client is. We're not just talking about the customer avatar but deeply knowing them: their problems, thoughts, insecurities that they may have, their wants, desires, hopes, and dreams. You got to understand that. And so for you to be able to do that, know them. 

✔️ If you wonder why people aren't or haven't been buying from you, here are two reasons why: 

They don't feel that what you're offering is FOR them.  They aren't sure if the end results are POSSIBLE for them. 

Your languaging in your posting needs to demonstrate these two things. Speak to those fears for them that lets them feel you telling them: "I know you, I see you, I get you, and I can help you." 

✔️ Show your client testimonials and case studies. So when you're on social media, these are the posts that convert the highest even if they may not get the most claps or engagements. Focus on connecting with clients and creating revenue instead of chasing the number of people commenting or liking it. When I do this, it hits home so deeply that people aren't in that knee jerk reaction to just comment or like, but these posts get the most people who book on my calendar or jump in my inbox.


✔️ Share your own story and your own results. Me celebrating my wins, I used to think that it was bragging. What I realized is that I am definitely a beacon of hope and a very powerful demonstration of possibility for a lot of people, especially women of color, because I know that I didn't have anyone who looked like me who had a sort of regular lived experience like me, who have attained a level of success that I have. And so I very loudly and proudly share the results I'm creating because I want you to know what's possible. 


🎄✨ Conclude 2021 with momentum, finish strong and make December your biggest month ever! Thrive in the community and be surrounded by people cheering each other towards a common goal. Join the FREE Cash Creation Crash Course at LetsMakeMoreSales.com.


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. LetsMakeMoreSales.com