Welcome to episode 2 of our Holiday Slay series!  I'm super excited because we are diving into one of the most powerful strategies that we use in my community, and I want to drop a truth bomb on you: successful entrepreneurs are NOT fearless. They just become very comfortable with the anxiety of inadequacy and taking speedy, imperfect actions anyway.

Don't aim for perfection. Do THIS instead!!

Join the FREE Cash Creation Crash Course at LetsMakeMoreSales.com

Key points we covered in this episode:

✔️ #1: Put on your crown and tell yourself, "I AM ENOUGH." The moment you realize this, that's when the magic begins in your business. You're not stuck at your current level because you're not smart enough, good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, expert enough, certified enough or ready enough. You know it in your spirit that you're so ready for that next level. But it's likely because you aren't taking those big, bold, courageous actions that will lead to the greatest results. And the reason why you don't do that is because you feel like you're not enough.

✔️ #2: Heed the power of your own words.  Until you come in alignment with who you believe you are in the world, nothing else matters. Focus on what you say about yourself to yourself. Trust that you have all that you need to take your very next step and then take it because that's where momentum is created. 

✔️ #3: Recognize that comparison is the thief. It's not just about comparing yourself to other people; it's also about comparing yourself to yourself and your past goals and where you think you should be by now. All of those things will rob you of rapidly accelerating your income. It will rob you of every desire you have in your heart. 

🎄✨ Conclude 2021 with momentum, finish strong and make December your biggest month ever! Thrive in the community and be surrounded by people cheering each other towards a common goal. Join the FREE Cash Creation Crash Course at LetsMakeMoreSales.com.


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. LetsMakeMoreSales.com