It's time to flip the script on entrepreneurs' big mistakes in growing their businesses. Whether your goal is to achieve six-figure months, six-figure weeks, six-figure days, and YES — even six-figure sales, you first need to master your mindset that dictates your actions and bridge the gap between you and your first million. 

Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ Change your script on COURAGE. I was afraid to fail, so I avoided doing scary things. I wouldn't publicly share my offers or successes because I was afraid about what other people would say. There's the tug and the pull in my spirit to do it — yet I don't. For some of y'all, your fear may be in investing in yourself. It's raising and doubling your prices. It's doing live streams or publicly sharing that you actually have a business. I have a lot of clients who show up to me but won't publicly say on their page, "I have a business and here's what I'm offering," because they're afraid that their friends, family, and people are going to judge them as money-hungry or whatever story they put in their head. What is it that you are afraid of? 

✔️ Change your script on COMMITMENT. I lied to myself for a long time that desiring a million-dollar income would cost me my life and freedom. Once I told the truth about it, committed to the goal and began to focus, results came at lightning speed — boom! No looking to the left or right to see what other people are doing. I stopped paying attention to who and what was the latest and greatest and played my own game. Because I was certain about who I was by God's design and what I was here to create on the planet, I became unshakable and immovable.

✔️ Change your script on CONSISTENCY. Speed and force can tire you, while consistency maintains that you will get there. Set a baseline you're willing to commit to that you can hold no matter what's happening in your life. Even if it seems menial with simple steps, it makes the building blocks of your million-dollar business. 

✔️ Change your script on COMMUNITY. On this journey, one of the deepest hurts for me has been being inside communities that frown on competitive and driven people. I would be quiet and pretend like that wasn't my natural disposition. It used to take me out of the game for many reasons. I created a community where driven, competitive people did not have to pretend that was not who they were. I mentor very powerful people, and I hold them as powerful in this space. Nobody has to be smaller so others can be bigger. 

Have the stick-to-itiveness to implement strategies and steps and create money in your business faster. The more you get used to failing and tweaking, the more you get small wins. Before you know it, you'll get used to winning. 

If you're ready to up-level your business, simplifying without sacrificing your health and your life for it, then you want to be in the room at GAME ON! Live.


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales.