How the Secrets We Keep Block Our Next Level Growth and Money Flow

Are you wondering what's blocking your next level of growth financially? Here's a challenge for you. It's time to hit your revenue goals this year and own your value with zero apologies. Do not be afraid or feel shameful to be compensated for the value that you bring to the table. It's not just about the strategy, the next coach that you need to hire, the new business model, your business partner, or investors. It's these little secret things that you need to implement so that you can get back on track and get the money flow you've always wanted.

In this week’s episode, you’ll learn about:

The tools and strategies that you need to smash the blocks to your income goals

Part One of ‘How the Secrets We Keep Block Our Next Level Growth and Money Flow’

Here are the common things that are blocking your money flow:

First, you're basing your pricing based on someone else's belief and story. We don't often know what other people are experiencing or going through. They have their journey and their crap. You can look up to them as a source of inspiration, but you must own your power. Don't let anything cause you to shrink, play small, and charge little. 

Second, stop comparing yourself to other people. Success is no respecter of persons. All of the things that we put on pedestals, we're keeping it far away from ourselves. If somebody else can have a multi-million or billion-dollar deal or opportunity, that's possible for you too. Stop comparing yourself with others and explore the possibilities for yourself. Everybody goes through life at their own pace.

“Give yourself permission to play a much bigger game.” — Shameca Tankerson (14:12-14:15)

Third, you're secretly lonely even though you're surrounded by people. You must learn how to open yourself up to receive support, love, help, and encouragement. That loneliness can hinder you from showing up as powerfully as you need to. If your capacity to receive assistance is diminished, then your ability to allow your clients to invest with you is reduced as well. You will sabotage yourself on sales conversations by lowering your rates and not asking for the business because you're so used to not receiving. Allow yourself to be supported and watch what happens.

Fourth, walking around feeling shameful. The majority of people don't hit six figures, so we tend to be uncomfortable when it comes to talking about our clients' income. Thus, we rob ourselves of celebrating our accomplishments.

Part Two of ‘How the Secrets We Keep Block Our Next Level Growth and Money Flow’

Choose to come from a wholly empowered place because that's what power players do. Reclaim your sense of self, your power, and the ownership of how you're moving through life. You take captive those thoughts and begin to shift them.

“It's about you believing in the possibility of more.” —  Shameca Tankerson (44:46-44:49)

Be a container that has the capacity to receive what it is you desire, including the type of clients and the number of clients. Acknowledge where you are. There has to be some truth-telling. Sometimes, we want to look so professional, so it seems like we're ahead of the game, but we don't tell the truth about where we are. 

Decide and declare where you want to be now just with your mouth but through your actions. You have to recognize your default patterns and do something different. Once you realize that and declare that you're going to give it everything you've got, you're going to disrupt that pattern. You're going to do things differently. This is a war cry. This is about you shifting your life in ways you never even really dreamed possible.

Next Steps To Raise Your Game

Shameca Tankerson is an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and bestselling author. She is a badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence, and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt. She's called to challenge you to your greatness, stretch you, test your limits, and set fire to your fears. Her clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, who hold something so powerful, so wickedly incredible within… they are on the cusp of greatness - yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. 


Together we call on your courage, bust through fear, and awaken your inner powerhouse so you can stop apologizing, shrinking, hinting, whispering, asking for permission, giving in, and pretending to be satisfied with the status quo. It’s your time. Listen, Love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow too. Discover how clients see your Level of Authority and any blocks sabotaging your sales.