Do you ever wonder what it's like to become the highest-paid leader and power player in your industry? Most people make $30000 up to $50000 a year. Even though it's a struggle for them, they do it year after year until they get numb to it. They've tuned out the fact that there is a desire for growth there, and they need to do something else to shake up the system, to create that six figures, half a million-dollars revenue.

If you've been stuck somewhere along the process, it's time to get rid of your excuses and raise your rate to a higher and more competitive level. In this week's episode, Shameca Tankerson talks about the secrets of charging anything for your work.

Part One of ‘The Secrets of Charging ANYTHING for Your Work’

There are ways to double your revenue, but without action, you'll get on a sales call and stick to your old rates at the end. If you're continuously attracting broken people, you'll literally go to the point of exhaustion. Because you keep making the same amount of money you did the previous month or year, regardless of how hard you work.

If you don't see any growth with the amount of income you make per month, you're just stuck, and you can't figure out why, here's the deal: You might even be making pretty decent money, but you have the desire to reach half a million-dollar mark or more. You must realize that charging more is definitely one of the fastest ways to ramp up and breakthrough income, plateaus, and pricing patterns. 

If you have a deep burning desire for you to raise your rates, do it without any heartbeat of hesitation and do it without zero apologies. Start putting new numbers on your vision board.

If you've got internal resistance around being highly paid, like well paid for your work, then there might be a gap in what you view as normal, or there may be a gap in what you believe is acceptable for someone like you to charge or earn. Does it feel okay even to set massive income goals, or do you feel guilt or shame? These are the new normal we want to shift. 

Often, people shame others for celebrating their income goals and wins. And if you're not a person who wants to do that, that's fine. But for some, they've come a long way, and they want to be able to celebrate that with someone. It's best to surround yourself with people who allow you to do that.

There is a small percentage of people who make six figures. While there's so many people out there telling you, they're going to teach you how to make six figures. And it's the mindset stuff that keeps most people stuck because in society we are groomed for the work mentality. We're not groomed to be entrepreneurs and to make a lot of money. We're groomed to be the workforce of the people who are making a lot of money. 


And for you to shift that, you've got to normalize thinking differently than you ever thought before, because when you stepped into school, you were starting to be fed with this middle-class mentality. You got to change your relationship to what you believe is a whole lot of money. If you're changing lives with the service that you provide, you don't need to feel guilty because that's one way to create new normals and shift legacies for generations.


“Charge according to the level of your service worth.” — Shameca Tankerson (25:53-26:00) *Part 1


We tend to think that only billionaires can pay you for your high-end premium type services in exchange for transformational work, but that's not true. You must believe that your services are at the investment level no matter what. So, only the people who are ready and who can invest in it because they're investing in a solution to a problem that they've struggled to solve for months, years, or decades. 

Let's normalize investing in life transformation, investing, and getting people from where they are to where they want to be. Just like we've normalized investing in college, new cars, and big houses. If you want to leave a legacy of wealth behind, it starts with making money first. You can help more people with more money than you can with being broke. So, normalizing millions of earnings is where it starts.

Part Two of ‘The Secrets of Charging ANYTHING for Your Work’

If you want to unlock the upside of charging anything you want for your services, it starts with raising your standards and finding the right pocket of people. You don't necessarily need to look for them, but you have to become attractive to them. Make room for your best clients by setting up screening and filtering systems at every turn. Your messaging should be letting people know this is who this is for. You want to make sure that the message you put out there calls to the heart and soul of people you're meant to serve.

You can take money from anybody who's willing to pay you, but that is a sure way to set yourself up for a headache, stress, and strife. This is the area where we start to lack belief in our ability to get results. And there are two reasons for that. One, you may be taking a person on who you're not quite sure you can get results from, but also if you have more multiple people come through your programs that don't get results because they're not set up in the right way. It draws off your self-esteem and your confidence. You don't want to do that. When you don't set up a standard for who you allow in your programs, you're not worried about whether or not the people are going to get the results.

“Raise your standards. Get mind-blowing results.” —  Shameca Tankerson (10:28-10:34) *Part 2

It's like being a social media marketing person and selling to someone who doesn't have a Facebook page or Instagram set up; then you start setting up everything they need. But how much better results do they get if they already have some things in place, including a following? So, sell to people who stand to gain the most from your work, sell to people who will win, not just those who have the money.


Most people sell to the wrong folks, which is like putting a camel through the eye of a needle. In order for you to get money for people to buy from you, everyone telling you they can't afford it, means you're messaging is focused in the wrong place. The best buyers are usually the ones who are in the deepest pain and they get it. But not so much pain where they're just so in it that they need therapy. Here are the three types of buyers:


The first type of buyers are the ones who don't even know they have a problem. They don't even know that they're in pain. They might know something's wrong, but they don't think it's something that's solvable for them. They're not looking to have anybody help them with that. They're just doing life the way that it is. And they're perfectly fine with everything being broken.  The second type of buyers are the ones who know they have a problem, but they aren't actively looking to solve it. They know there's something wrong. But they're not looking to have anybody solve it. And the pain is not intense enough for them to move on it. 


The third type of buyers are the ones who know they have a problem, and they are looking for a solution. They know they can't do it alone and they're looking for the best people to support them in doing it. These are the people who will pay you anything. The ones who are already in action mode, not the ones who are in research mode, not the ones who are in consumption mode. These are the ones who already have a lot of what's needed in a place that will accelerate your work together. They're the ones that scare you the most, which is why you're underpaid because you want to save the people who don't have everything together. But if you look at those higher-level clients who almost have everything in place, they're just missing that one degree, which is you.


No one wins when you're settling for a life of mediocrity. The scarcity, hustle, exhaustion, and your small play serves absolutely nobody. Yet everyone wins when you're living in an overflow state, causing your clients to get stellar results, incredible results, and mind-blowing results. If you've read everything, it's time for you to implement them to scale your business to the next level and experience that rapid acceleration like never before!


About Shameca Tankerson


Shameca Tankerson is an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and bestselling author. She is a badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence, and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt. She's called to challenge you to your greatness, stretch you, test your limits, and set fire to your fears. Her clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, who hold something so powerful, so wickedly incredible within… they are on the cusp of greatness - yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. 

Together we call on your courage, bust through fear, and awaken your inner powerhouse so you can stop apologizing, shrinking, hinting, whispering, asking for permission, giving in, and pretending to be satisfied with the status quo. It’s your time. Listen Love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow too. Discover how clients see your Level of Authority and any blocks sabotaging your sales.