A secret dream of mine for almost a decade has finally come true! Shameca & Company has made the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America!

This incredible honor proves that the mindset and strategies work for many people. To be recognized alongside the biggest companies in America affirms our mission of making this business a fruitful ministry.

I want to share and dedicate this to all the chocolate girls watching who, like me, have thought so many times of giving up. 

I built this company from scratch, and when I say from scratch, I didn't have access to a loan from a family member and had bad credit with zero money in the bank. All I had was just a dream and a knowing of God's purpose in my heart. 

I knew the faces of the people who I would serve even though I could not see them yet.

I knew that hustling and grinding were not the right way to do things.

I knew that playing big is required to become more.

The biggest lesson for me on this journey is learning how to SIMPLIFY. Allow me to share with you these three things to help you simplify and scale too.

✔️Simplify your OFFERS. 

People forget that even in business, "less is more." You can hit the million-dollar mark by offering less. Please reach the point where you master your flagship program, product, or service and sell them first. Adding more stuff on top of that creates more complications. 

Create your powerful money-making main offer, an upsell or the primary offer, and a down-sell (choose which way you want to go), but have that meat and potatoes to focus on for people to start working with you. For me, I crossed my first six figures with only two offers. 

✔️Simplify your MARKETING.

This is a huge point of contention because so many 'experts' teach going on many platforms where you should do everything. These ways and methods of showing up on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and everywhere else can be overwhelming. I had to get to the point where I realized I needed to trust myself and do the things that were easy for me so that it was simple and I could do them with consistency.

For me, Facebook became my number one platform, where I spent my time and crossed the million dollars in revenue. That overwhelm can either stop you in your tracks or complicate things so much. Choose the platform that best fits your brand and focus on it. 

✔️Simplify your BUSINESS MODEL.

Many entrepreneurs believe hiring all the people will make you all the money. What is crucial is understanding the flow of your offers and simplifying the number of people working with you inside your business. 

In the beginning, I hired copywriters, salespeople, VAs, and all kinds of people who didn't deliver. And I realized it wasn't the people; it was me. Because I was so unclear about my business model, where people were going, and what I needed people to do — delegating to them was a pain point. I thought they were going to do what they do, and it was going to create magic, and they were to help me make all the programs and things that needed to go with it. 

Don't put yourself in the CEO role too early because you wouldn't know how to lead the team the way they need to be led. So sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves, do it with a skeleton crew, know what you need to do, do it first yourself and then delegate, which simplifies the business model. 

Complexity is the one thing that will kill your business growth (and dreams) faster than anything else. 


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/