“We're really heading to a cliff when it comes to those expressing interest in healthcare careers,” cautions today’s Raise the Line guest Geoffrey Roche, director of Workforce Development in North America for Siemens Healthineers. Unfortunately, this drop-off in interest is happening as statistics on the current and future shortage of healthcare workers seemingly get worse by the day. One strategy the veteran hospital administrator and educator advocates is partnering with the K-12 system to provide early exposure to healthcare careers. “We have to show young people what the possibilities are. We've got to visually help an individual understand ‘this is what your career ladder could be.’ It could also help, he tells host Rishi Desai, if young people understood how much healthcare technology is powered by the same type of systems as video games. Citing the concerns that other industries do a better job of recruiting young people, Roche urges all healthcare organizations to have deep working relationships with educators. “If you’re not working with an academic institution to look at your needs of today and tomorrow proactively, strategically and tactically, then you're behind.” The good news is Roche sees examples of community partnerships and creative approaches to certification and apprenticeships that could yield results. Tune in to find out how bringing healthcare and education together at all levels can help fill the daunting gap in clinical and non-clinical staff that confronts our healthcare system. 

Mentioned in this episode: www.siemens-healthineers.com