“I really have challenged the students that have graduated from Duke the last couple of years to consider being ambassadors for science and for communication of what is good science,” says Dr. Mary Klotman, executive vice president for Health Affairs and dean of the School of Medicine at Duke University.  She notes that the stakes of disinformation are too high to do otherwise, as up to 300,000 COVID-19 deaths can be attributed to unfounded fears about one of the safest vaccines ever produced. It's just one of many educational imperatives Klotman is pursuing to prepare future clinicians for a constantly changing healthcare landscape. Others include helping students put new tools such as AI in the context of patient care, creating more opportunities to learn in ambulatory settings where 90% of healthcare is now delivered, and more multidisciplinary training to reflect a growing team approach to medical care. To help develop those interprofessional habits, Klotman has championed a “One Duke” approach. “Whether you're a student, senior investigator or a clinician, take advantage of the broad expertise here to solve a problem whether it's engineering in medicine, or it's data science. That is the nature of scientific problem solving today.” Join host Shiv Gaglani on this episode of Raise the Line for a wide-ranging look at how a leading academic center is innovating to adjust to dynamic changes in society, technology and healthcare.

Mentioned in this episode: 

Duke University School of Medicine

Duke's Program on Medical Misinformation