Happy New Year! What is your Utopia? For the very first episode of the new year we asked musicians from around the world to answer us this very question not with words but with music. Because music sometimes is the only language left. It can articulate feelings, complexity and even politics in a way language will never be able to do. We got some musical answers from the Altai mountains, from the capital of DR Congo, from Spanish Berlin and Arabic Berlin. From the green hills of England, the streets of Moscow and the Caribbean.

Check them out and tell us which ones resonate mostly with you? And why?

Those are the musicians and their songs. We’ll have more about them within the next days. The order was picked by the wisdom fairy:

1. Alisa Ten: Pudelko // @alisa_ten_singer
2. Jenni Grossmann: Hindsight //
3. Jamila and the other Heros: Farashat // @jamilaandtheotherheros
4. Doug Morris: Smile //
5. Evgeniy Shteinmiller: Nochenka - The night //
6. Mergen Teldenov: Maktap Ayttan Törölim Bar // @mergenteldenov
7. Viktor Garagulya: First Picture of African Dancers // @garagulyamusic
8. Mauretta Heinzelmann & friends: Utopia Sound // fb: Mauretta Heinzelmann
9. Kollektiv Elongo: Afrika // @kollektivelongo
10. Aáron Castrillo // @aacastrillo
11. Volki & Wilfried: Reggae for Utopistan //

Radio Utopistan Music: Robert Pilgram http://robertpilgram.com/
Radio Utopistan: https://radioutopistan.de/
Host: www.elisabethweydt.de

Radio Utopistan

Happy New Year! What is your Utopia? For the very first episode of the new year we asked musicians from around the world to answer us this very question not with words but with music. Because music sometimes is the only language left. It can articulate feelings, complexity and even politics in a way language will never be able to do. We got some musical answers from the Altai mountains, from the capital of DR Congo, from Spanish Berlin and Arabic Berlin. From the green hills of England, the streets of Moscow and the Caribbean.

Check them out and tell us which ones resonate mostly with you? And why?

Those are the musicians and their songs. We’ll have more about them within the next days. The order was picked by the wisdom fairy:

Alisa Ten: Pudelko // @alisatensinger
Jenni Grossmann: Hindsight //
Jamila and the other Heros: Farashat // @jamilaandtheotherheros
Doug Morris: Smile //
Evgeniy Shteinmiller: Nochenka - The night //
Mergen Teldenov: Maktap Ayttan Törölim Bar // @mergenteldenov
Viktor Garagulya: First Picture of African Dancers // @garagulyamusic
Mauretta Heinzelmann & friends: Utopia Sound // fb: Mauretta Heinzelmann
Kollektiv Elongo: Afrika // @kollektivelongo
Aáron Castrillo // @aacastrillo
Volki & Wilfried: Reggae for Utopistan //

Radio Utopistan Music: Robert Pilgram http://robertpilgram.com/
Radio Utopistan: https://radioutopistan.de/
Host: www.elisabethweydt.de