Exit Part I is about stories, Exit Part II about facts and strategies.

Fabian Wichmann grew up with Nazis in his schoolyard. Today he is working for Exit, an organization that helps people get out of extremist circles. His Utopia: To see that people can change. That is the biggest narrative in a democracy, he says. People can come back into society.

Fabian gives some hands on strategies of what to do about extremism and racism within your neighborhood or family. He is telling the story of the first involuntary charity march where Nazis marched against Nazis. It went viral and was copied in Sweden and the US for example.

We talk about what media could do and why there are so many stories about the perpetrators and just really few stories about the victims of terror attacks.

Radio Utopistan

Exit Part II: Fabian Wichmann on how to fight right wing extremism and racism

Exit Part I is about stories, Exit Part II about facts and strategies.

Fabian Wichmann grew up with Nazis in his schoolyard. Today he is working for Exit, an organization that helps people get out of extremist circles. His Utopia: To see that people can change. That is the biggest narrative in a democracy, he says. People can come back into society.

Fabian gives some hands on strategies of what to do about extremism and racism within your neighborhood or family. He is telling the story of the first involuntary charity march where Nazis marched against Nazis. It went viral and was copied in Sweden and the US for example.

We talk about what media could do and why there are so many stories about the perpetrators and just really few stories about the victims of terror attacks.

Music: Robert Pilgram http://robertpilgram.com/
Illustration: Christine Anas https://cargocollective.com/christineanas
Proofreading: Gavin Steingo @gstarrrrr + Helen Kim @helenorhyk
Host: www.elisabethweydt.de

Fabian Wichmann + Exit





Most involuntary charity march:

UN paper on global rise of right wing terrorism

World Economic Forum on rise of right wing extremism

Study on similar radicalisation patterns within right wing extremism and radical islamism

EU and Radicalisation Awareness Network
Right-wing Terrorism in the 21st Century: The National Socialist Underground and the history of terror from the far right in Germany by Daniel Koehler

In German. A podcast Elise Landschek and me did on extremism in Germany in 2019