Radio TMI – Where leaders talk.

In this episode of Coffee With Toastmasters by Wendy Khumalo, Emma El-Karout, a former HR Director and founder of One Circle, talks about One Circle, hard career choices, career changes and unemployment solutions. She also gives her word of advice to job seekers and professionals seeking change and new purpose.

Emma El-Karout is a Johannesburg-based future work innovator who founded One Circle, an online platform connecting businesses with freelance HR experts, from around the world and on-demand.

As an HR Director she worked with some great individual talent, but always found specialist gaps in the corporate HR teams she led, which she had to plug with expensive consultant resources provided by big brands. Expecting smores and double chocolate chips for these fees, she normally got vanilla.

Emma knew there had to be a better way for her to access the specialist HR expertise she needed, at real market prices. As an ex-consultant herself, she knew as well that there’s no shortage of specialised talent globally. A way to bring those project opportunities closer to where the people are would be a winning formula.

Combined with her belief that the new workforce would be based on an on-demand model, when people would decide when, where and for how much they worked, she created One Circle to enable direct relationships between HR professionals and the corporate leaders in need of their skills by leveraging technology and cutting out the middleman.

Emma aspires to combat few of the major societal issues in South Africa, being unemployment, gender and age bias, and the retention of experienced workers in the economy post-retirement.

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Music : Myk Nich:

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