Next Episode: RL070 Bryan Cheung

David Gomez is part of Liferay's Developer Relations Team, and we took some time to talk about the upcoming /dev/24 livestream of developers and other users of Liferay DXP and Liferay Portal with a technical background.
(More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)

David is part of Liferay's Developer Relations Team, and we took some time to talk about the upcoming /dev/24 livestream of developers and other users of Liferay DXP and Liferay Portal with a technical background.

Here are some of the topics that we talked about:

David is part of Liferay's Developer Relations team

Liferay's Developer Relations, and the people involved with the community

/dev/24 is a community effort, streaming technical content on Liferay following the sun or the moon (your preference)

Who's presenting? (Hint: Submissions are open - Employees as well as Community Members, Customers, Partners must submit)

Topics: All open, but we're actively looking for 7.3 related content.

Early submissions are picked early, late submissions have less spots to fill: The earlier you submit, the higher your chances for participations are.

The time is set: /dev/24 will be on Sep 24 (midnight to midnight) for the US-Pacific timezone (UTC-7). Or, in easier to calculate times for anybody not in that timezone: Starting 24 September, 7:00 UTC, running until 25 September, 7:00 UTC (9:00 CEST)

If you want to help without submitting a presentation (e.g. co-host at some time during the 24h, moderate the chat, provide additional questions, provide fun content, comment the submissions): Send mail to dev24 at

My (Olaf's) favorite content in conferences and webinars: Trivial Knowledge (and what that means).

/dev/24 unrelated bonus content: What David is currently working on (assuming we'll cover that in a later episode)