Today I'm welcoming a repeat guest, Jorge Ferrer, Liferay's VP of Engineering. I've had the great opportunity to ask him a lot of questions that provide deep insight into what's running behind the scenes in the engineering team. We didn't have enough time, so this is part 1 of our conversation, to be continued in episode 58. I need to squeeze in the (already recorded) episode that contains more information about the Javadoc Contest (please participate).

(More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)

Today I'm welcoming a repeat guest, Jorge Ferrer, Liferay's VP of Engineering. I've had the great opportunity to ask him a lot of questions that provide deep insight into what's running behind the scenes in the engineering team. We didn't have enough time, so this is part 1 of our conversation, to be continued in episode 58. I need to squeeze in the (already recorded) episode that contains more information about the Javadoc Contest (please participate).

Jorge gives an update on various internal as well as external topics. I'm also teasing him a bit, and hope that this episode will be as insightful for you as it was for me.

We're talking about these (and more) topics

the engineering team passed the 150 people mark, distributed world wide.

Communication in a team that's distributed through the world, tools

Some nasty german guy recently took Jorge's #3 contributor place on the public forums

Participation & Contribution: Check

What happens to pullrequests to the Liferay repository? Should you rather direct to the component lead?

Coding Standards, Design Patterns and how many you want to use in a single project

Pullrequests and who's working on them.

The experience of upgrading the architecture to OSGi in Liferay 7

Jorge's Architecture Blog Article(s)

News about Developer Network: Many new project documented there

We're closing (for today) with a short fun quiz about new frontend tools introduced with Liferay 7, in which Jorge earns his street credibility.

stay tuned for the continuation of this episode, most likely in episode 58.