I had a short meeting with Bryan Ho, Lead Graphic Designer at Liferay - With that role it's obvious that we're bridging the audio/visual gap again: A very visual topic in an audio only podcast. But if you're not driving while you listen to this podcast, you can click the links from the shownotes and browse through the archives.

Apart from being the creator of the Radio Liferay Logo, Bryan is the creator of "Ray's intergalactiv adventures". You can check out this series at https://www.liferay.com/ray

(More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)

I had a short meeting with Bryan Ho, Lead Graphic Designer at Liferay - With that role it's obvious that we're bridging the audio/visual gap again: A very visual topic in an audio only podcast. But if you're not driving while you listen to this podcast, you can click the links from the shownotes and browse through the archives.

Apart from being the creator of the Radio Liferay Logo, Bryan is the creator of "Ray's intergalactiv adventures". You can check out this series at https://www.liferay.com/ray.

We talked about

The history of Ray:  He is an "old" mascot, has been around on the very old website

Bryan started to get involved with Ray for a T-Shirt contest in 2010 and continued to draw him

How Ray's intergalactic adventures were started (Shoutouts to Paul Hinz and Martin Yan)

At Devcon Bryan  created a lot of variations on Ray "on demand". You can find several of them on the flickr stream from that event.

Luckily, Bryan keeps Ray around, for example on community T-Shirts, even though the cartoon series is currently on hyades.

And other things that the design team works on (Website, Events, improve overall visual appearance)

Here's Ray listening to Radio Liferay: