I talked with Alberto Chaparro. Alberto works for Liferay as a support engineer on the spanish team. This conversation follows up on something that Iliyan mentioned in episode 37: The migration tool that will help you upgrade your portlet from 6.1 to 6.2. We're talking during the end of the symposium, so the background noise that you hear are people that are starting to break down the staff room.

(More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)

I talked with Alberto Chaparro. Alberto works for Liferay as a support engineer on the spanish team. This conversation follows up on something that Iliyan mentioned in episode 37: The migration tool that will help you upgrade your portlet from 6.1 to 6.2. We're talking during the end of the symposium, so the background noise that you hear are people that are starting to break down the staff room.

We talked about

Alberto has helped Iliyan working on the upgrade tool that we spoke about in episode 37

The tool helps upgrading AlloyUI JS, CSS and some JSP code from Liferay 6.1 to 6.2

Alberto presented this tool at the spanish symposium

The tool is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, Installation instructions are available in the tool / github repository

It's been used on 100+ portlet plugins already, providing good service in the upgrade process. Sorry, this is the only plugin type that it's good for.