I finally spoke to Mike Young, founder, CTO and employee number 2. Unfortunately Mike had to leave early after last year's european symposium, so there I just got "the Brians" instead of the whole founder circle. This completes "the founders", though with Mike I'm more on the technical side. However. For those interested in the company history, there's still some things in there.

As you'll see and hear, Mike is the project lead for Liferay Sync which has just been released this week (1. February 2012) - check it out or listen to the earlier episodes where it was mentioned. (11 and 13)

Please refer to the Sync product home page or James' blog post announcing sync in order to see updates and current information on market positioning and licensing, which was not finalized when we spoke last December - so we didn't cover those topics then.

We talked about

* how Mike first met Brian Chan
* You might remember that Brian suggested Mike that he had to use EJB for his wedding website - here's the story behind that, and how it got him involved with Brian and Liferay in the end.
* The parts of Liferay's code that Mike was involved in - starting with "everyone did everything"
* Liferay Sync, OpenSocial and WSRP being the current areas of work
* With Mike I finally found the project lead, responsible for lobbying for a Linux client for Sync and was able to rant on. He delivered a nice and understandable reasoning. Even though this means I'll have to wait, I guess I won't rant any more ;-)
* The mentioned "not yet" released Sync product has actually been released this week
* Mike is the initial implementor of the OpenSocial implementation in 2009 or 2010, but now handed it over to Dennis
* I know Mike best for his involvement with WSRP, "Web Services for Remote Portlets" - we talk about what it is and what it takes to make this really compatible with other portals. There are quite some interpretations of this standard (and not only this) that need to be validated in the respective environments.
* The aspects that eat into performance when you have two portals involved in answering your request - and what the implementors on both side can do to mitigate the drawbacks.
* The nature of WSRP calls and how it all works on a very high level
* The roadmap for OpenSocial and what we're planning to build on top of that for the next release (6.2)

You'll find this episode - and make sure that you don't miss any of the future episodes - by subscribing to the RSS feed, on itunes or with your podcatcher of choice - you'll find all the options on www.liferay.com/radio. And if you want to get notified when the next episode is out, follow @RadioLiferay

This is another recording I did with some new recording gear, but, being new gear, I messed up the levels so I had to denoise it a bit, unfortunately a bit of noise still remains. I'm doing my best to get rid of that in future recordings.

And please remember to rate this podcast in your podcast directory of choice and provide feedback here on the episodes as well. Thank you.

I finally spoke to Mike Young, founder, CTO and employee number 2. Unfortunately Mike had to leave early after last year's european symposium, so there I just got "the Brians" instead of the whole founder circle. This completes "the founders", though with Mike I'm more on the technical side. However. For those interested in the company history, there's still some things in there.

As you'll see and hear, Mike is the project lead for Liferay Sync which has just been released this week (1. February 2012) - check it out or listen to the earlier episodes where it was mentioned. (11 and 13)

Please refer to the Sync product home page or James' blog post announcing sync in order to see updates and current information on market positioning and licensing, which was not finalized when we spoke last December - so we didn't cover those topics then.

We talked about

how Mike first met Brian Chan

You might remember that Brian suggested Mike that he had to use EJB for his wedding website - here's the story behind that, and how it got him involved with Brian and Liferay in the end.

The parts of Liferay's code that Mike was involved in - starting with "everyone did everything"

Liferay Sync, OpenSocial and WSRP being the current areas of work

With Mike I finally found the project lead, responsible for lobbying for a Linux client for Sync and was able to rant on. He delivered a nice and understandable reasoning. Even though this means I'll have to wait, I guess I won't rant any more ;-)

The mentioned "not yet" released Sync product has actually been released this week

Mike is the initial implementor of the OpenSocial implementation in 2009 or 2010, but now handed it over to Dennis

I know Mike best for his involvement with WSRP, "Web Services for Remote Portlets" - we talk about what it is and what it takes to make this really compatible with other portals. There are quite some interpretations of this standard (and not only this) that need to be validated in the respective environments.

The aspects that eat into performance when you have two portals involved in answering your request - and what the implementors on both side can do to mitigate the drawbacks.

The nature of WSRP calls and how it all works on a very high level

The roadmap for OpenSocial and what we're planning to build on top of that for the next release (6.2)

You'll find this episode - and make sure that you don't miss any of the future episodes - by subscribing to the RSS feed, on itunes or with your podcatcher of choice - you'll find all the options on www.liferay.com/radio. And if you want to get notified when the next episode is out, follow @RadioLiferay

This is another recording I did with some new recording gear, but, being new gear, I messed up the levels so I had to denoise it a bit, unfortunately a bit of noise still remains. I'm doing my best to get rid of that in future recordings.

And please remember to rate this podcast in your podcast directory of choice and provide feedback here on the episodes as well. Thank you.

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