For this episode I talked to Dennis Ju, Softwareengineer at Liferay Inc. Among other topics, Dennis is involved with Liferay Sync, together with Gail Hernandez and also with the OpenSocial implementation and Liferay foundation though we didn't talk about the foundation..

Among other topics we talked about

* Frontends for Sync, (Sync was first mentioned in Episode 11 by Alex and Sergio)
* The (currently) missing OS support for Windows ME and Linux and which one will be supported first (most likely)
* Mobile Clients, Desktop Clients
* Sync uses JSON Webservices
* OpenSocial
* Various presentations on OpenSocial on ECS, WCS, EuCS
* OpenSocial on Liferay LIVE in January 2011

For this episode I talked to Dennis Ju, Softwareengineer at Liferay Inc. Among other topics, Dennis is involved with Liferay Sync, together with Gail Hernandez and also with the OpenSocial implementation and Liferay foundation.

ugh we didn't talk about the foundation)

Among other topics we talked about

Frontends for Sync, (Sync was first mentioned in Episode 11 by Alex and Sergio)

The (currently) missing OS support for Windows ME and Linux and which one will be supported first (most likely)

Mobile Clients, Desktop Clients

Sync uses JSON Webservices


Various presentations on OpenSocial on ECS, WCS (by Dennis),  EuCS (by Juan)

OpenSocial on Liferay LIVE in January 2011