Episode 4 of Radio Liferay is out. I'm speaking with Raymond Augé, Sr. Software Architect at Liferay

Episode 4 of Radio Liferay is out. I'm speaking with Raymond Augé,  Sr. Software Architect at Liferay

We spoke about these topics - and probably more:

Internet coverage in Northern Ontario

Forums, IRC, Blog

The beauty of XML and XSLT (in 2004)

Bits of Liferay's history since 2004, e.g. the Sourceforge Mailinglist

Some Features Ray has been involved in: WCMS, Permissions, Document Repositories, Asset API, Service Builder, Staging, Search - basically most of what's somehow related to WCM.

The enjoyment of sharing information. Not disseminating information is counterproductive. (At this place I'd like to place a completely unrelated shoutout to JT - you know what for ;-) )

the benefits of keeping hands away from UI code.

(Learning english in this episode consists of my "inadvertently" stumbling across my tongue)

Feature talk: The new staging in 6.1, "site variations", how work on it was done.

The use of the different templating languages: Velocity, Freemarker, XSLT

WebContent and Templates can partly replace portlet & plugin development.  Documented on Ray's Blogpost Advanced Web Content Example with Ajax and Liferay Live presentation

OSGi, in Ray's Blog and on github