Let me introduce myself as the one who wants to be the resident german accent in your ears.

After a long time of "just intending" I finally went ahead and started recording a podcast about Liferay - the project, the product, the people and the company. Episode 0, a brief introduction with the intent and some generic information is available for manual download. It's only 4:12.

Episode 1 will be out within a day - I sat together with James Falkner, Liferay's community manager, who luckily agreed to be my guinea pig. Episode 2 is - contrary to what I say in episode 0 - already recorded and will need a bit of post-production. Stay tuned for this - I'm speaking with the Alter Ego of "Rich Editor".

You might have noticed that I said "manual download" - there's no feed yet. But as I had the content, and it's kind of timely because we talk about the symposiums, I wanted it out in public as soon as possible. So please bear with me while I create a feed that somehow contains what the typical feedreader - especially itunes - does expect. The whole setup, hosting etc. is temporary and will change soon.

So use this to practice manual download and listening to yours truly. Episode 1 will probably also predate the feed, but it should not be by far.

Let me introduce myself as the one who wants to be the resident german accent in your ears.

After a long time of "just intending" I finally went ahead and started recording a podcast about Liferay - the project, the product, the people and the company. Episode 0, a brief introduction with the intent and some generic information is available for manual download. It's only 4:12.

Episode 1 will be out within a day - I sat together with James Falkner, Liferay's community manager, who luckily agreed to be my guinea pig. Episode 2 is - contrary to what I say in episode 0 - already recorded and will need a bit of post-production. Stay
tuned for this - I'm speaking with the Alter Ego of "Rich Editor".

You might have noticed that I said "manual download" - there's no feed yet. But as I had the content, and it's kind of timely because we talk about the symposiums, I wanted it out in public as soon as possible. So please bear with me while I create a feed that somehow contains what the typical feedreader - especially itunes - does expect. The whole setup, hosting etc. is temporary and will change soon.

So use this to practice manual download and listening to yours truly. Episode 1 will probably also predate the feed, but it should not be by far.