[itvt] is pleased to present an audio recording of the TVOT SF 2016 session, "TV and Video Innovation in the 2016 Presidential Election." The session was described in the show brochure as follows:

"This session--falling the day after the California primary--will explore the role that advanced-TV/video advertising, new data and analytics technologies and methodologies, and new video-engagement solutions have been playing in the 2016 presidential race, and will also examine how the election might in turn have an impact on these areas. Among other things, panelists will debate whether Republican presidential candidate, Jeb Bush, was correct when he stated, 'I don't think TV advertising has been nearly as effective as it has in the past for any campaign,' and--if Mr. Bush was indeed correct--why this would be the case.

In addition, panelists will examine the role that social video has played in the race, both as an alternative to advertising in the various campaigns' promotional, fund-raising and opinion-shaping strategies, and as a news source for those campaigns' supporters in an era when--according to a new study by the non-partisan Media Insight Project--only 6% of the public has 'a lot of confidence' in the mainstream media." Panelists included:

Carol Davidsen, VP of Political Technology, comScore
Ed Knudson, VP of Product and Strategy, Canoe (Moderator)
Brent McGoldrick, CEO, Deep Root Analytics
Dritan Nesho, Head of Microsoft Pulse, Microsoft
Steven Oh, Chief Business Officer, The Young Turks
Professor James Lance Taylor, University of San Francisco