Scott and Greg continue with the topic Why Canada Sucks with a discussion on the links between Climate Change, racism, and imperialism.

Over the last several weeks there have been a number of racists attacks in Canada. Xenophobic rhetoric is on the rise as Canadian media play into a bogus "border crisis" narrative and the Liberals appoint Bill Blair (former police chief of Toronto who has a horrible record on civil liberties) as their new Minister of Border Security and Organized which has only emboldened the far right. 

Scott and Greg talk about all this in context of climate change and imperialism, how Canada is on the wrong side of these issues and why we are just seeing the start of refugees seeking asylum in Canada. To solve these issues we can't frame them as consumer choices but rather in political and economic choices.

Scott and Greg also talk about gentrification and the replacing of "unwanted" people and how cities are becoming unaffordable.

Show Notes

Music break brought you by Lee Reed.His latest "The Steal City" ep is all about gentrification in Hamilton. 100% of proceeds to the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network (HTSN) and the East Hamilton Rent Strike Defense Fund.