We're back! After some time off Radio Free Winnipeg is back with a new series of shows. Our theme this time will be why Canada sucks where we will explore the many ways that Canada sucks domestically, internationally and historically.

Canadians have an overly romanticized view of themselves and as such there is a lot of myths surrounding Canada. Canadians usually frame themselves in relation to America so they either set the bar at being simply “better” than America (low bar to set) and use that as an excuse to both remain ignorant of issues in Canada and thus never challenge the status quo.

Scott and Greg talk about what they've been doing over the last month and a half and set out what they will be doing over this series.

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Show Notes

Angus Reid poll Truths of reconciliation: Canadians are deeply divided on how best to address Indigenous issues  http://angusreid.org/indigenous-canada/

Canadians deeply divided on Indigenous issues http://aptnnews.ca/2018/06/11/canadians-deeply-divided-on-indigenous-issues-poll/

Accounting for Histories: 150 Years of Canadian Maple Washing https://www.opencanada.org/features/accounting-histories-150-years-canadian-maple-washing/

Canada 150 is a celebration of Indigenous genocide https://nowtoronto.com/news/canada-s-150th-a-celebration-of-indigenous-genocide/