A jam packed show demonstrating how Canada Sucks!

First Scott and Greg talk about SNC-Lavalin and their history of war profiteers and their close relationship with the Canadian State.

Then Scott and Greg go over recent events in Haiti and how it demonstrates both Canadian Imperialism aboard but also the hypocrisy inherent in "human rights" discourse.

Last but not least Greg and Scott talk about the Yellow Vest protest in Canada and the United We Roll protest.

Music Break- (Artist) The Minutemen, (Song) Disguises, (Album) The Punch Line

Show Notes

Canada's Halliburton? SNC-Lavalin war profiteering in Iraq, Afghanistan by Anthony Fenton http://rabble.ca/news/2009/09/canadas-halliburton-snc-lavalin-war-profiteering-iraq-afghanistan

Is Trudeau's Venezuela policy the Monroe Doctrine reborn? By Yves Engler

Canadian policy on Venezuela, Haiti reveals hypocrisy that media ignores by Yves Engler https://yvesengler.com/2019/02/19/canadian-policy-on-venezuela-haiti-reveals-hypocrisy-that-media-ignores/

Canada backs Haitian government, even as police force kills demonstrators by Yves Engler https://ricochet.media/en/2439/canada-backs-haitian-government-even-as-police-force-kills-demonstrators?fbclid=IwAR3-vVzWL-gLreP81PQDzz7Dhy-PccCN877-rLZ6Ghk5W9a1o_-rCrPK00c

Haiti: Weeks of Protests Demanding the Resignation of the President via the Real News Network https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5omnu3yex1Y

Indigenous rights activists confront Yellow Vests as pro-pipeline convoy reaches Ottawa via APTN News https://aptnnews.ca/2019/02/19/indigenous-rights-activists-confront-yellow-vests-as-pro-pipeline-convoy-reaches-ottawa/

Report from Anti-Racist Canada on the Yellow Vests and United WE Roll