How does animal rights activism and veganism fit within the struggle against settler colonialism? That is precisely the question that Dylan Powell attempts to answer in his series "Veganism in the Occupied Territories: Anti-Colonialism and Animal Liberation."

Dylan Powell is the Co-Founder of Marineland Animal Defense, he is active in the animal and earth liberation movements, as well as involved in solidarity organizing with the Haudenosaunee of the Grand River, the migrant justice advocacy community and at risk youth in the Niagara Region. Dylan is graduate of Brock University (Honours History) and current Addiction Education student at McMaster University in Hamilton.

In this episode we speak with Dylan to discuss more about how his personal upbringing and involvement in animal liberation and solidarity movements have shaped his politics.

We also briefly mention the work of Dr. John Sorenson, who recently spoke at The University of Winnipeg about his most recent book, "Constructing Ecoterrorism: Capitalism, Specieism and Animal Rights", which is available via Fernwood Publishing.