Here's Communitoid Episode 023 - Battletaints!  In this episode Joanna's meth cooking scheme fails to come together, Conor gets beer in his nose, Aaron describes how the Power Glove was literally bad, and guest host Brian AKA Isay Isay is obsessed with clicking cookies.  We also discuss Parks & Rec, our favorite moments playing sandbox games, videogame commercials, games that creep us out, and how much it would suck to lose both thumbs. Enjoy!

Break song: Coaster (If I Ruled The World) by AdamAcH (

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Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH ( Show logo by ZombiePlatypus. Cblog banner by TheCiderMan.

Full show notes available at


Bloggers Wanted: 

Tell us your favorite Grand Theft Auto moment (


Hey, let's watch some awesome game commercials by Timnoldzim (

Creepy Cast Toid: A Dtoid Community Horror by GlowBear (

Horror gaming’s horrific obsession by Callusing (

Independent Retailers Are Getting Shafted by Shinobi13 (

The Decay of Capcom by Sephzilla (


Let's Play Werewolf: Act 2! by Panzadolphin56 (!)

Great Games You Never Actually Beat by Gorilla Gravy (

Meet Ups:

GameCity8: October 19th-26th, Nottingham by panchromatic (

Gamer Inclusion Con: December 4th, London by GlowBear (

Jan 2-5: MAGFest 12 by Dyganth (!)

Other Stuff:

No, I'm not linking to krokodil pics.  Google it yourself.

Before Sega, After Sega Commercial (

Legend of Zelda NES Commercial (

Zelda Rap Commercial (

Halo 2 Commercial (

BattleTanx Commercial (

BattleTanx 2 Commercial (

Super Smash Bros Commercial (

Playstation 3 Michael Commercial (

The results of Beat Beat's last noun game (

If you host a community podcast, please send an email to [email protected]!

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