Here's Communitoid Episode 022 - Nailed it!  In this episode Joanna becomes a soccer mom and tries not to starve, Beccy visits stately Wayne Manor, Conor shoots us all in the face, Aaron won't stop making podcasts, and guest host Eric AKA Swishiee AKA the StreetPass Monster tells us about the time he watched Gobun poop.  We also welcome a shit-ton of noobs, discover that Conor might be unkillable, and find out Beccy's dad is a total badass.  Plus lots of PAX stories!  Enjoy!

Break song: Isle O Hagz (DL2K Mix) by amxwolf (

Follow us @Communitoid ( on Twitter and join our Facebook group! (  If you'd like to be a guest on a future episode or want to submit a community intro or promo, email [email protected].

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Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH ( Show logo by ZombiePlatypus. Cblog banner by TheCiderMan. Thanks to Nihil for this episode's intro!

Full show notes available at


Bloggers Wanted: 

What’s it like to game with you? (


I made a puzzle game in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. You can play it right now! by Kiamet (

Castle of Illusion And Me (dedicated to my Grandma) by Marche100 (

MABW: Marche's Adventures in Streamland (and "Why Watch Streams?") by Marche100 (

Make Way For DLC! (An Aladdin Parody) by Genki-JAM (

"Games Organized Neatly" - a visual art series by garison (

Destructoid, The Inferno: A Parody by Last Scion of the House of Blue Lions (

Let's Go Fishing! - A Silly Blog About Fishing in Games by voex (

Why Do Parents Still Not Take Ratings Seriously? by SpielerDad (

A PC Gamer's Guide to Shopping Online by Jinx 01 (

Facts About Game Store Employees I Learned While Shopping Retail by crackedbat (


I shouldn't be ALIVE by Chupacabrathing (

Dtoid Community Interviews - Sign Up! by Everyday Legend (!)

Meet Ups:

Eurogamer Expo 2013 September 26th-29th by panchromatic (

September 27-28: Cherry NARP by GlowBear (

GameCity8: October 19th-26th, Nottingham by panchromatic (

Gamer Inclusion Con: December 4th, London by GlowBear


Jan 2-5: MAGFest 12 by Dyganth (!)

Other Stuff:

Mxy's other podcasts can be found at the Church of the Holy Weirdo! (

Play Fingle! (

Soundodger (

Super House of Dead Ninjas (

Watch iSwishiee on Streamtoid Thursday nights at 8pm pacific! (

Cblog Interviews (

Panzadolphin56's angry mommy ghost Werewolf game was awesome, humans won! (!&p=1208955&viewfull=1#post1208955). Congrats again to Dexter345 for his Legendary Thread badge!

Pineapple Bitch Scone Cat Boner Battleaxe (illustrated!) by BeatBeat (

If you host a community podcast, please send an email to [email protected]!

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