It's Communitoid Episode 011 - The Grossest Fellatio Ever! This week Conor joins the Dungeons & Dragons forums, Andy meets his vocal doppelganger, Jo has a geocaching adventure and battles a skunk, Aaron is baffled that nobody knows who Zartan is, and guest host Ben "AgentMOO" shares his experiences as an indie game developer. We also talk about piracy, kickstarters, next-gen consoles, and whether or not Robocop still has a penis. Plus some delightful Masterspam Theatre and tons of Listener Questions! Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH (, show logo by ZombiePlatypus, cblog banner by TheCiderMan

Break song: Duck Tales - The Moon theme by Yoshihiro Sakaguchi (

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Full show notes available at


Bloggers / Artists Wanted:

Bloggers Wanted: What's your favorite Destructoid memory? (


There is an Indie Developer among you.... by PlayBoyMan (

Some PAX East 2013 photos by John B (

More PAX East 2013 pics by John B (

PAX East 2013: Destructoid community at E&C by John B (

Wrote another free book about video-games by Nathsies (

Help me edit my novel? by Nathsies (

DFSTPJCTOID COMALB3 Releesed. by Alphadeus (

Get off your failboat: Or why EA's pro-LGBT support matters by Pixielated (

The Dark Side of DLC by Kenneth Cummings (


Ckarasu Let’s Plays by Ckarasu (

Tiny Dice Dungeon Needs you! by Springloaded (!)

Happy Birthday Niero / Destructoid 7th Anniversary Thread - Show us your love! by ZodiacEclipse (!)

Meet Ups:

June 22-23: Rezzed Birmingham by GlowBear (

August 30-September 2: PAX Prime 2013 by Mr. Gobbldigook (


Contest: Win some ROCCAT gaming gear! (

Design the Communitoid Forums badge, win some stuff! (!)

Other Stuff:

AgentMOO's High Strangeness on Steam Greenlight (

ZP's Evil Dead themed game of Werewolf is complete.  Humans win because Mxy is the greatest Seer to have ever lived.  Recruiting players for the next game now! (!&p=1153838&viewfull=1#post1153838)

Deep Sea A Sensory Deprivation Video Game by Robin Arnott (

Create your own Deep Sea mask if you hate yourself by Patrick Hancock (

Press X to Jason by kthorjensen (

Dispatches From The Weird on Anarchy-1 Radio (

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