As was foretold by prophecy, here is the all-Dude Bro Communitoid Episode 010 - Sausage Fest. In this episode, Aaron is exhausted, Conor turns into a robot and promises to give money to the children, Andy endorses giving alcohol to the children, and guest host Scott (aka ArcticFox, Esq.) lays some knowledge down on the Persona/Shin Megami Tensei games. No Joanna this week means nobody to keep us in line, so we get sidetracked by 80's nostaliga almost immediately, then later on things get super hot when we all start talking about erotic fanfiction and who'd we'd like to marry/bang/kill within the show. Real life delayed me from getting the show edited on time so some of the upcoming stuff (such as PAX East and some contests) probably has already happened.  Since the stats tell me most of you listen to the episodes long after they're uploaded, it's likely very few people care. Hope you enjoy!

Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH (

Show logo by ZombiePlatypus

Break song: Ikari Warriors - Stage Theme by Unknown (

Follow us @Communitoid ( on Twitter.  Email [email protected] if you'd like to be a guest on a future episode!

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Full show notes available at


Bloggers / Artists Wanted:

Bloggers Wanted: What's your favorite Destructoid memory? (


Becoming a Game Designer by johnmasterlee (

Weapon of Choice: BioShock's Wrench by Nathsies (

Responding to Anita Sarkeesian's 'Damsels in Distress' by Geki-JAM (

Some of the best #DtoidMemories blogs...

Look ma, I'm a games journalist! by Jesse "Tactix" Cortez (

Fo' Da' Shawties by Swishiee (

Legendary by JohnnyViral (


Writers Assemble! by Travis Touchdown (

Kaiju Combat! by Simon Strange (!)

Let's play Werewolf on the forums! by Dexter345 (!

Game Whiz is looking for iDevice beta testers for his game! (

Happy Birthday Niero / Destructoid 7th Anniversary Thread - Show us your love! by ZodiacEclipse (!)

Meet Ups:

March 22nd-24th: PAX East 2013 by N7 (

Are you going to PAX East? Let us know! (  

March 25th-29th: GDC 2013 by BadStar (

JJMccallum is planning a Scottish NARP (


March 18 - giving away a Gears Judgment themed Xbox 360

We're giving away 20 codes for Rochard and its new DLC on March 25! (

Design the Communitoid Forums badge, win some stuff! (!)

Other Stuff:

AgentMOO's High Strangeness on Steam Greenlight (

School of Thrones w/ Ashly Burch (

Free Troma Movies (

Twitter Mentions