Finally, Communitoid has come back to the Internets!  In the long-awaited episode 006 - The Donk Danger Zone, Mxy's kiddo makes a surprise appearance, Zodiac got the awesomest Christmas present ever from her hubby, Bloodspray confirms that ChillyBilly is a pretty rad dude, and special guest host Cataract talks about MAGFest, indie games, and explains where wizards come from.  Also, we talk about MMOs for a while, have a disagreement about Nutella, and suffer MYSTERIOUS AUDIO DIFFICULTIES. Sorry again about the delay, hope you enjoy!

Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH (

Show logo by the insert adjective here ZombiePlatypus

Break song: Last Night in Podunk (From the High Strangeness Soundtrack) by Disasterpeace (

Thanks for listening!  Follow us @Communitoid on Twitter.  Community member show openings can be sent to [email protected]. If anyone is crazy enough to do some illustrations for MasterSpam Theatre, please post them in the Forums!

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Bloggers / Artists Wanted:

Artists Wanted: "Portrait' recap and your next topic! (


ChillyBilly's Emporium of Collectibles closes its doors by ChillyBilly (

A Third World confession: Without piracy, I wouldn't be a gamer today by LukasRocks (

A Story Of Survival in Don't Starve by PhilKenSebben (

Idea to make the PS Vita more sellable without selling at a loss by Retrofraction (

The Struggles of Completion by RadChiefDude (


2012 Completed Games Thread by digtastik (

2013 Completed Games Thread also by digtastik (

Seacrest Santa 2012 by ZombiePlatypus (

Indie Games at MAGFest:

BaraBariBall: (

Dragon Runner: (

Helena the 3rd: (

Saturday Morning RPG: (

High Strangeness: (

Nidhogg: (

Other Stuff:

Toneman's Portlandia appearance with Bizarro Mr. Destructoid (

Vote for a mustachioed smoking robot as the new Monopoly token: (

TriplZer0's cool steampunk fantasy detective book that you should buy: (

kodykoala's custom Guts Man Operation mod (

Shit My Julius Sez on Twitter: (

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