Here's the slightly longer than usual Communitoid Episode 005 - Do You Even Lift?  This week Joanna experienced the glory of jump kicking zombies, Conor gives Aaron the perfect plan for a holiday suicide note, Andy's net connection is terrible and he hates you all, and guest host StriderHoang doubts you even lift.  We also talk about the Anita "Starkid" Sarskeesian controversy for the first and last time ever.  Enjoy the final Communitoid ever due to the upcoming Mayan Apocalypse!  

SPOILER ALERT!  We talk about The Dark Knight Rises, and mention something that may or may not be spoilerly from 1 hour 30 seconds until 1 hour 40 seconds. We also talk about the end of Dead Island from 1 hour 6 minutes and 35 seconds until 1 hour 7 minutes and 5 seconds.

PS: While mentioning RTS Total Annihilation Conor meant to say Chris Taylor when he said Chris Carter, and while talking about Nintendo Power Mxy said Howard Lincoln instead of Howard Phillips. Oops.

Opening and closing themes by Adam AcH (

Show logo by the incredible ZombiePlatypus

Break song: Feed the Dada (AdamAcH Remix) - DaDa Life (

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Bloggers Wanted: Your favorite gaming moments of 2012 (


Games Are from Mars, Players Are from Venus by kona (

Byte-Sized Boos: indie horror quick hits by nekobun (

The five stages of backlog grief by TriplZer0 (

Dale North sent me Persona 4 and Corgi money! (A thank you to Dtoid) by Levito (

Creating Horror in Videogames: Topics, Tropes, and Atmosphere by Panzadolphin56 (

Less Than Love: A Story About Catherine by Brandon Dickerson (

Let's worry about real sexism, shall we? by CaimDark (


Who the hell are you?! 2.0 (!-2-0&p=1122219&viewfull=1#post1122219)

A Call for Help by KingSigy (

Anti-Christmas music/Alternative Christmas Music thread by mirage of Excellence (

Community Podcasts:

The Cblog Fapcast (

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Dtoid NY/NJ Holiday Party - (!forum/dtoid-new-york)

Dtoid Texas Holiday shenanigans on December 21s - Contact Sean Carey on Twitter @walk_your_path

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Dtoid MAGFest Google Group (!forum/dtoid-magfest-2011)


Honest Movie Trailers: The Dark Knight Rises (

Epic Comment: Elsa on Tropes vs. Women featured on Reddit (

Toneman (far right) on Portlandia with a Mr. Dtoid/Shufflebot lookalike (

The Destructoid Comic - click back in the archive for more! (

The Indoor Kids Interview with Howard Phillips (

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