Amidst the worldly chaos, radical love and understanding are what we need most. However, we struggle with attaining one thing — contentment. Being in a state of contentment does not equal to idle actions and remaining static. It means accepting what we have and where we are, while radiating positivity and kindness to those around you.

In today's episode of Wisdom Wednesday, Tessa and Rosie highlight steps we can take to be in a state of contentment. As part of reaching contentment, radical love is understanding your goals and desires. Can they help you in attaining ultimate happiness? Or does it still leave you wanting to achieve more?

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If you want to learn about becoming content and acknowledging your goals, then this episode is for you!
Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
1.Learn how contentment comes from within.
2.Find out how your ultimate goal plays a role in becoming content.
3.Discover how your goals and desires are tools in attaining ultimate happiness.
●You Are Radically Loved book is now available

●Read The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life
●Connect with and learn more about Tessa Tovar: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Podcast
Episode Highlights
[1:48] The Worldly Tragedies
●People live in a constant state of fear and sufferings whenever they’re faced with tragedies and wars.
●The world not only needs radical love. We need to acknowledge both sides of the story and find a common ground to move forward.
[6:47] Beginning A Spiritual Journey
●A lot of people can't embark in their spiritual journey until they feel safe.
●It’s difficult to tell anyone living in a chaotic environment to focus on the positive.
●Starting a conversation with people who may have friends and families in war torn areas.
●When Tessa was a young girl, her dad taught her about the Gulf War. Listen to the full episode on how the story leads her to spirituality.
[12:42] On Contentment
●Contentment means accepting or appreciating what we have, where we are, and then moving forward from that.
●It is one of the hardest practices to implement because ,ultimately, we're always striving to reach the elusive “there”.
●A state of scarcity and lack of mentality are effects of not being content.
●Journaling is one way to practice gratitude.
[17:21] Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita
●The Gita teaches us to look inside of ourselves and find happiness.
●Relying on external achievements can ricochet us back to the state of discontentment.
●Obtaining “less” can still lead us to happiness.
●Recognize the distinction between ultimate happiness and fleeting happiness.
[21:42] The Ultimate Goal
●Your ultimate goal is the reason why you're doing everything.
●Attaining that goal provides you with love, support, and happiness.
●You are capable of feeling a deep sense of fullness and completion regardless of whether you can fulfill your goal.
[26:24] Goals and Desires
●People can attain contentment from either talking about their goals, or directing their goals to action.
●Acknowledge the goals and desires within you — the ones you like to talk about, and the ones you’d want to create.
●To the people who create, ask yourself if your creation is enough.
●Finding your elusive happiness is a practice and a process.
[28:06] Moments of Contentment
●Rosie feels the most content when she is still.
●She shares about the little moments when she feels contentment in experiencing of life being born — tune in to the full episode to find out more about the story
●Tessa feels most content when she lived in Oregon, and dancing is when she finds herself to be the happiest.
[36:23] You Are Radically Loved
●You don’t need to figure out how some moments worked; they worked, and that’s enough to move forward.
●Understanding that we are radically loved and supported gives us the foresight on the tools we can use to our advantage.
●It's important for everybody to be proud of their work.
●Rosie hopes her book can be a tool for everybody to write their own story.
5 Powerful Quotes from This Episode
[05:45] Tessa: “...what we need right now — more than anything — is not only radical love but the ability to look at both sides and try to find a common ground try to find a way forward.”

[11:58] Tessa: “[Regarding prayer] May you remember that you will always be okay. May you find a white light that guides you and keeps you safe. May you have hope, help and happiness along the way.”

[15:45] Tessa: “When I'm not in that state of being of contentment, where am I in my headspace, in my energetic body, usually, it's in a state of scarcity or lack mentality. That shows up in the way of like, not good enough, shaming, blaming, don't have enough.”

[37:01] Rosie: “I thought of the moment when I was a child and heard my first drive by shooting, watching my belly rise and fall — I felt my body contracting again. ‘Just breathe’, I told myself. You're okay.”

[38:40] Rosie: “When you experience moments that leave deep impressions, you don't need to dissect them. You don't need to figure out how or why they worked. They worked. That's enough to move forward.”

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To feeling radically loved,
Apple Summary
We live in a frenetic environment. Things like the “hustle mentality” have made us frantic to get somewhere, anywhere — as long as it’s “there”. Setting your sights on your goals is important, but not at the expense of being present in the here and now.
If you’re overwhelmed with everything that’s happening in life, whether internally or externally, and want to find peace within yourself, then this episode is for you! Visit for more info!