If you’ve heard of totem animals, the first question that popped into your brain is probably: “What’s my totem animal?” It may be exciting to know that you have a kindred, core animal. However, it takes more than a quick search online to answer your question. Today’s guest shows you how you can embark on a journey towards meeting your core animal and other supporting animals as well.

In this episode, Alyson Charles joins us to talk about the ways you can harness the power of animals and how they can help guide and heal you through life. There are hundreds of animals, and each has different healing traits and wisdom attributes. We also talk about the importance of shadow work in knowing our divine truth and power. Lastly, we touch upon going beyond healing spaces and doing the necessary work to change our lives.

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Tune in and be inspired by the power of animals and shadow work to live an authentic life!
Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
1.Discover the wonders of totem animals and how you can harness their powers to heal yourself.
2.Understand why you need to do shadow work to live authentically.
3.Learn the ways you can become open to spiritual guidance and how you can change your life.
●Connect with Alyson: Website I Facebook I Instagram I Youtube I Twitter I Email ([email protected])
●Want to learn more from Alyson? Check out her Ceremony Circle Podcast.
●Get your copy of Animal Power: 100 Animals to Energize Your Life and Awaken Your Soul by Alyson Charles
●Check out the previous Radically Loved Episode with Alyson Charles!
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●FREE Action Guide! Apply the lessons you learn from this episode as you listen! Sign up at RadicallyLoved.com, and I’ll send it right away!
Episode Highlights
Alyson’s Journey with Animals
●Before writing the book, Alyson went through deep initiations and incredible medicinal challenges.
●She shares that her shamanic path is all about integrity and embodiment. Alyson did not plan on becoming a shaman, her spiritual journey started as a way to heal herself.
●It was only through working with shamans that she found her calling. Through that experience, she also understood that her core power animal is the black jaguar.
●She also had three supporter power animals: the bear, deer, and frog.
●Frogs taught her to leap forward while the deer led her to her now-husband. Find out more about Alyson’s journey with animals in the full episode!
What’s My Totem Animal?
●Every animal represents different healing traits and wisdom teachings.
●Animals will manifest themselves into your life based on your struggles and what you need the most.
●If you’re wondering: “What’s My Totem Animal?” Alyson recommends going into a shamanic journey with a trusted shaman who can help you meet your core animal.
●It's not just the animals’ job to show up and help. You also need to be mindful of them and lean into their teachings.
●You can also call on animals for help during specific situations. Find out how by listening to the episode!
What Your Totem Animal Can Feel Like
●Rosie figured out the answer to “What’s My Totem Animal?” earlier in her life. She shares this story in Alyson’s book.
●When she was growing up, seeing a dragonfly get hurt made her feel physical pain too.
●Since that moment, dragonflies always remind Rosie of resilience.
●The dragonfly also represents adaptability, mysticism, magic, the element of water, ease, grace, and truth.
The Whale and Shadow Work
●The whale has been showing up for Alyson lately. This animal represents facing your blindspots and doing shadow work.
●There’s a lot of disruption and chaos happening all around the world and we need to face ourselves and do the work needed to grow.
●Facing our shadows can be intimidating, but the whale is there to be a loving guide to face our darkest selves.
Alyson’s Recommended Animals to Everyone
●She suggests for everyone to work with bird medicine.
●For one, the seagull is all about cleaning up trash and unnecessary things.
●Meanwhile, the owl represents awakening and getting out of delusion.
Why It’s Important to do Shadow Work
●Being a shaman, or embodied teacher, is not about being perfect. We are all human beings.
●There will always be lessons and experiences we can evolve from.
●It’s important to do integrity checks, where you investigate whether you’re in a blind spot or not.
●Facing uncomfortable and terrifying things is also crucial because that’s how you’ll understand the truth of who you are.
●If you don’t do shadow work, you will bring messy energy into your interactions, even though you have the best intentions at heart.
Becoming Open to Guidance
●We can experience pain-body as a result of traumatic experiences. You may find yourself in a cycle of suffering or reacting in an elevated or exaggerated manner.
●Don’t beat yourself up when this happens and instead become more aware of your thoughts and actions. Reflect on whether you may have traumas under the surface.
●If you have friends who have done the shadow work themselves, you can open yourself up to them and ask for their perspectives and insights.
●You have the power to change anything at any time. There may be stories you’re telling about yourself that may simply not be true.
●Be open to spiritual guidance.
Insights and Applications Go Hand-In-Hand
●Many people attend healing ceremonies, but often don’t change after the session.
●Plant medicines are generously helping to amplify your healing, and it’s your duty to change your life based on the information you perceived.
●Ask yourself: “How can I implement this change in my life?”
How Alyson Feels Radically Loved
●Alyson used to define success from external measures, like achieving in sports and media.
●However, she has found that success is defined by her ability to share unconditional love with others.
About Alyson
Alyson Charles is an internationally renowned Shaman, best-selling author, and host of the Ceremony Circle Podcast. Before becoming a Shaman, Alyson used to be a top-rated radio host, national daytime talk show host, and national champion athlete. Now, she devotes her life to the calls and directives of the Source, spiritual immersions and expansions, and preserving ancient wisdom practices and traditions.
She shares her knowledge with mass audiences and through several platforms. She provided monthly power animal and energy forecasts at Well and Good for many years. Alyson also made history by guiding over 10,000 people through a Shamanic journey during the HBO Film Festival.
Want to learn more about Alyson’s work? Check out her website.
You can also connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and email ([email protected]).

5 Powerful Quotes
[13:11] “Depending upon what medicine your soul most needs, depending upon what you're going through in life - that's why different animals come in and out to give you the support that you need.”
[2802] “There will forever be lessons and things to face and things to work through and infinite ways within myself to evolve.”
[30:31] “Even with the best of intentions and even with the greatest of hearts, if you are not committing to facing yourself in totality, shadow and light; if you're not doing that shadow work, you are inevitably bringing messy energy into this space.”
[35:08] “When you tend to find yourself in a cycle of suffering or anguish or pain that just seems to perpetuate, that's a big sign that you're in pain-body and need to do some shadow work.”
[38:30] “Let's continue to open up the doorway of permission and remind [ourselves that] we can change anything at any time, that we can evolve and grow.”