Life can often have a lot of detours, ups, downs, and twists around. It's easy to get lost or stranded in one place instead of finding out where the path can lead. Many things can get in the way of finding meaning. Sometimes the roadblocks aren't external — you might be looking in the wrong place or misunderstanding what's best for you. However, as your life progresses, you'll understand that the pitfalls in your life help you grow.
In this episode, Sheri Salata joins us to talk about her journey and share the lessons she has learned along the way. The stories that led to her writing a book and the experiences she garnered throughout her life are words of wisdom that you don't want to miss. Finally, Sheri shares her advice on making critical decisions and reaching your dreams. If you've ever felt lost or stuck, tune in and embark on the path toward a positive transformation.
Excited to listen and learn from Sheri and her life lessons? Tune in to this episode!

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Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
1.Learn to manage your fear of decision-making while cultivating the courage and motivation to keep finding meaning in what you do.
2.Find out how you can stop comparing yourself to others and empower yourself instead.
3.Listen and discover what you can achieve by sharing your stories and listening to others.
●Here’s your EXCLUSIVE FREE GIFT from Sheri “What if we could make change and transformation even easier? What if we could change our lives by changing ten words in our vocabulary?”
●The Beautiful No: And Other Tales of Trial, Transcendence, and Transformation by Sheri Salata
●The Oprah Winfrey Show
●We Need to Talk About Shame, a TED Talk by Brené Brown
●Sheri’s 12-week course: Write Your Story | Transform Your Life
●The Support System, a membership group with Sheri
●More about the retreats organized by Sheri
●Connect with Sheri on her website and subscribe!
●FREE workbook! Check out our website for more details.
Episode Highlights
Sheri’s Secret Sauce
●Sheri has a knack for gathering a group of people to do things as a group. She also mentions that she could herd kittens.
●When she was younger, she wasn’t picky about her jobs and took them one after another. She was determined to find a job that could provide stability for her retirement.
●Sheri wasn’t finding meaning in what she did, wasting her devotion on jobs bereft of purpose to her.
●Although she felt miserable after trying out multiple jobs, she still persevered. She later found her purpose in her life and applied that to her job search.
The Time to Try New Things
●The feeling that you are sacrificing your life for a paycheck could indirectly hint that you should try finding meaning elsewhere.
●When Sheri became an entrepreneur at 56, she first experienced what it felt like to enjoy a job.
●Another lesson Sheri taught us was to take risks. Searching for your true passion is a process of trial and error.
●She advises others to try entrepreneurship. Alternatively, work for a startup company to observe the empowerment that comes with being an entrepreneur.
Making the Right Decision
●There are different kinds of decisions in life. A governing decision is the most powerful decision that sets a framework for your life.
●Sheri urges us to be decisive. It doesn't need to be a good decision at that moment — the mistakes of today help your judgment tomorrow.
●When you’re deciding, ask yourself whether you would feel good about it. If it feels good, you are encouraged to proceed. You can always change course later.
●Your slippery character is the part of you that stops change. The fear of an unknown future prevents you from finding meaning elsewhere.
●Talk to your slippery character. Though it may simply want to protect you, help yourself understand that you can make a positive change in your life.
Matching Energies
●To reach a dream, match the good feeling. Manage your mood and thoughts to approach the actions positively instead of negatively.
●What often gets in the way is starting to think of the ways it's going to go wrong. Fear shifts your energy from matching the dream to repelling it.
Stopping Comparisons
●Sometimes you might feel inferior when comparing yourself with others.
●Look at your comparisons as a treasure hunt. Learn from others that you like and learn to apply their methods in your pursuit of success.
●Match your positive and encouraging energy with your dreams and manifest them through practice.
●Be more conscious of what you are practicing. Take control and focus on good practices that can help you.
Finding Meaning In Her Work
●Sheri was 35 years old when she started working at the Oprah Winfrey Show in an entry-level work position.
●She began finding meaning in her job as she took notes on all the spiritual experts, teachers, and leaders she met.
●That job was where Sheri found the quantum. She started cultivating a spiritual life and connected with the universe.
●Even until now, she continues to look for portals of opportunity. She evaluates her drawbacks and looks for ways to improve and become a better person.
●When Sheri reflects on her constructive transformations and retains her energy, she rises and grows. Transformational conversations pushed her into finding meaning.
Sharing Stories
●There is an empowering element in taking ownership of your own experiences and genuinely sharing them.
●During her book tour, Sheri realized that sharing her stories helped in her healing process.
●Sheri noticed that her audience and readers shared their stories as well. Essentially, she believed that the exchange helped them make amends with their inner wounds.
●The overall experience helped her audience recognize their potential and the abundant possibilities they could explore.
●Every story has an impact on its respective readers. We can find good value and lessons in any story.
Sheri’s Favorite Things to Do
●Last January, she launched a course called "Write Your Story, Transform Your Life," where she spends weeks of deep transformation with others.
●Sheri enjoys inviting people to her masterclasses and workshops organized by her private membership group called "The Support System."
●A vacation to Italy is what she began doing to reward herself.
●Whenever she does her favorite things, she notices herself blossoming into a better person. Ultimately, she has found ease in her current life.
Desired Takeaways for Sheri’s Book Tours
●Sheri hopes that she conveys as much learning as possible from her experiences, hoping it would inspire her audience to seek positive change.
●She also hopes she delivers her message and experience to her audience properly.
●After each event, she thinks about what she got from it and what she gave back.
How Sheri Experiences Radical Love
●Over the last three or four years, Sheri learned what it truly means to love herself.
●Being kind to and counting on herself forges another level of self-love that only she could give. No one in the world will love her more than she loves herself.
●Sheri loves animals and desires to help rescue animals and farm sanctuaries. It would be better if she were to take care of a huge group of rescued animals.
●She states that we are in a co-beneficial relationship with other sentient beings on Earth. This is why she chooses to be a shepherd who cares for them.
5 Powerful Quotes
[6:56] “Lean into happy, lean into what feels good. Quit trying to push the boulder up the hill and make the wrong relationships work, the wrong jobs work.”
[14:40] “We're just in decision paralysis. Anytime you feel yourself in that place, take that really seriously, because it means you are delaying a magnificent future. You're delaying change, good change.”
[19:34] “I needed to look at [comparison] as a little treasure hunt where I literally am out in the world going, ‘I want some of that.’ so I could stop comparing myself. Comparison is the death of dreams.”
[27:52] “I'm willing to own my experiences, and I share them vulnerably because, first of all, just speaking those words, and those stories heal me.”

About the Guest
Sheri Salata authored the award-winning book, The Beautiful No: And Other Tales of Trial, Transcendence and Transformation. Named Amazon Editor's Choice Best Memoir, it tells the story of her journey from the bottom to the peak of a career she truly loves and enjoys. She hopes that her book will inspire thousands of readers to be unafraid to dream bigger and work towards it.
Recognized for her role and contributions in business, entertainment, and media, she continues to encourage others as an author, speaker, producer, and founder of inspirational groups and practices. Sheri organizes retreats and has founded a membership platform called The Support System for women. She has also shared the power of writing through her 12-week course, Write Your Story | Transform Your Life.
Take a peek at her book The Beautiful No: And Other Tales of Trial, Transcendence and Transformation. Learn more and connect with Sheri through her website.
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