Today we're talking to a Mama who does not sit still! We're really excited to have Julie Young, a lawyer, turned non-profit executive, join us on today's episode. Julie is the founder of DreamMaker 3D, an organization that provides resources, connections, and inspiration for creatives and nurtures future leaders. In today's episode, Julie talks about her experience of growing up as a Korean adoptee raised with a white, American family. She discusses the challenges that trans-racial families face and she talks about getting in touch, and awakening to her Asian-ness. Listen in to find out more. 

DreamMaker 3D has just produced their very first TIDE Film Festival, in Brooklyn. The festival highlights movies that are written, produced and directed by people of color. Julie also founded The Phenomenal Girls Club, a really awesome kids club that fosters learning, leadership, and friendship for girls of color. She's the creator, producer, and host of the web series Not Your Average for and she's creator and co-producer of her own podcast, $6.99 Per Pound. Julie is married to an African-American man and they're raising two beautiful mix-kids. Tune in now to get Julie's story.

Show Highlights:

Julie talks about her childhood.  Awakening and getting in touch with her Asian-ness. Julie talks about her feelings about being an adoptee. Julie's Mom has learned so much about accepting and loving diversity and multi-cultural things. The thinking, when Julie was growing up, was to assimilate everyone of different races and cultures. What raising mix-kids is like for Julie. Julie and her husband have been educating their kids about their heritage since they were very young. Navigating the private school experience. Opening the eyes of those with implicit bias and becoming aware of our own implicit bias.  What the Phenomenal Girls Club is all about and how Julie came to starting it. Julie talks about her groundbreaking TIDE film festival. Julie's story is all about compassion. And her mission is to break down individual and then systemic bias. Why Brooklyn is the place to be for Julie. Julie loves to shadow box!

Links and Resources:

TIDE Film Festival website: 

To get more involved, email [email protected].

Follow Julie on Instagram @DreamMaker3D