Welcome to the very first episode of the Radiant Mix podcast, with Hope McGrath. Hope has a blog called Radiant Mix, and with the podcast she will be celebrating and talking about the bi-racial, multi-racial, and multi-cultural life and experience and she will also be sharing some really wonderful stories around this theme. On the show today, Hope discusses some of the fears she's had around bringing the stories that she intends to share on the podcast to light, and she also explains what motivated her to launch the podcast. Listen in today to find out more about Hope's belief in the radiance of the mixed experience, and how she intends to make the world a better place.

Hope's father is from Burundi, a small, Central African country near Rwanda. Her mother is American, with Italian and German/Jewish heritage. Her parents got married in the 1960s when racial mixing was still quite taboo. So, Hope comes from what is now known as 'The Loving Generation', which is a label for kids with one black, and one white parent, who were born after the 1967 case, Loving vs. Virginia, where the US Supreme Court overturned Virginia's ban on interracial marriage. 

Although there is so much beauty to be found in mixing races and cultures, it's not without its challenges. Hope is living a multi-cultural life as a Brooklyn mamma raising a second-generation mix-kid, and she's also an auntie to a mix-kid. Her intention for Radiant Mix is to ignite positive change and maybe even open some eyes with the stories she will be sharing. Listen in today to find out more about Hope McGrath and her aspirations for the podcast.

Show Highlights:

The fears that Hope has around putting her stories out for public consumption. Why Hope eventually decided to launch Radiant Mix. For Hope, it's really all about radiating our light. How Hope managed to put her fears behind her. Hope talks about herself and where her family comes from. Where Hope discovered the title 'The Loving Generation'. Racial tension reached a fever-pitch in America recently, and this took a toll on Hope and her family. Hope hit her personal limit and decided to use her unique voice to aid in supporting anti-racism work through sharing a mixed perspective when the US president referred to Haiti and African nations as sh*thole countries. How Hope's hippy Mom inspired her to take her own path and expand minds and hearts, with her anti-racism work. When Hope grew up in Long Island, they were the only mixed family that she knew of in the area and the only mixed family attending the local public school. It was really hard for her to fit in while growing up. Hope has chosen to raise her daughter in a very different environment to the environment that she grew up in. Hope is doing her part, with Radiant Mix, to heal the racial divide. We all need to evolve from our judgment, bias, and prejudice. Why the conversation around racism has to continue.

Links and Resources:

The documentary The Loving Generation 

Hopes website: www.radiantmix.com 

Join Hope on iTunes and subscribe to her newsletter!