Tiago Forte is our resident productivity guru and he interviews me in Part 2 of our workflow series. We nerd out on our productivity toolkits and blockages and I dive into my passion around human connection - and the systems I use to accelerate serendipity and build community.


+ SPONSOR: Join Skillshare the online learning community with 17,000+ classes in business, design and more. Get one free month of unlimited access. http://skillshare.com/rad

+ SIGN UP FOR TIAGO'S CLASS: bit.ly/radbrain

+ SHOW NOTES: bit.ly/radpod17

Tiago Forte is our resident productivity guru and he interviews me in Part 2 of our workflow series. We nerd out on our productivity toolkits and blockages and I dive into my passion around human connection – and the systems I use to accelerate serendipity and build community.


+ SPONSOR: Join Skillshare the online learning community with 17,000+ classes in business, design and more. Get one free month of unlimited access. http://skillshare.com/rad

+ SIGN UP FOR TIAGO’S CLASS: bit.ly/radbrain

+ SHOW NOTES: bit.ly/radpod17
