In this episode I talk with Rev. Lane Cobb about her show Race Talk Revolution that she co-hosts with Eugene Holden.  We dig deep into what it's like facilitating these conversations and how she overcomes challenges that come up along the way.  

Rev. Lane Cobb's Bio:

Reverend Lane Cobb is an Interfaith Inter-spiritual Minister, Spiritual Life and Business Coach and Author. As a woman, Rev. Cobb is committed to helping women heal, grow, and thrive despite the limitations of patriarchal society. As a woman of color, she is committed to educating people about the nuances of systemic racism, and engaging them in conversations to elevate the social conscience and challenge the racist structures that block personal and societal progress. Her weekly broadcast – Race Talk Revolution w/ Lane & Eugene – provides a platform for constructive, inclusive, compassionate conversations about race.  

Race Talk Revolution w/ Lane & Eugene

Race Talk Revolution Recordings

Rev. Lane L Cobb, MS. CPC. Breakthrough Mindset Coach

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