#75 - In this episode - we talk to Jaime Lopez - an accomplished athlete, and one of our most ardent supporters.

Jaime's journey is profound.  He has a willingness to dive into events head first - and he sets the bar high.  It sets the stage for one of my favorite stories of all time - how Jaime met Coach B.  Let's just say it involves a local race, some outlandish shorts, and time in the pain cave.

This conversation includes some sensitive subjects - you

This conversation also includes a sensitive subject.  One that is extremely personal - but incredibly important.  You see - Jaime was sexually abused as a child - something that's difficult for him to share.  But he does so to help empower those that remain silent, to let other victims know that they're not alone, and to offer help and support.

In fact, Jaime serves on the board at Breaking the Silence - a non-profit dedicated to helping prevent child abuse and was part of the launch for their Walk for the Children Event.

I think that it's really incredible how endurance sports can be something different to different people and it can be something so incredibly meaningful.  For Jaime - endurance sports was a way to connect with his sister, it was a way to escape the day today, it's been a motivational tool for the youth he works with, and a way to build lifelong friendships.