#57 - One of my favorite parts of our podcast is being able to highlight incredible members of our community.  When I met Patrick last year, he was a newlywed - preparing for his first marathon.  A virtual event that he was able to complete thanks to the help of Coach B and Too Legit Fitness.

At the time, he was still learning about tapering, and what it meant to toe the line for 26.2 miles.  Little did I know the incredible fitness journey that he's been on, and how he's lost nearly 70 pounds since 2018 in his late 30s.

In this episode, you'll learn how Patrick rekindled a love for physical activity after a long sedentary period.  The advice for overweight runners that he wish he knew when he started.  Why a chance encounter on a race course changed his fitness journey.  And the benefits of having a running coach such as Coach B for hitting your goals.