#70 - 55.9 million.  That's how many people in the U.S. are running.
So just imagine the impact run leaders, experts and coaches have on an entire industry.  

But what happens when this group of industry leaders is made up of predominantly the same gender and the same race?  What message does this send to others?  What type of community does it attract?

Well - these are the questions that our next guest has been asking.  As we continue our Latin Heritage Month Series - we're so excited to welcome Vanessa P. Mitchell.

Vanessa has Ecuadorian roots, grew up in New Jersey, and now resides in Philly.  When she got involved in endurance sports - she was taken aback by the lack of coaches and industry experts that looked like her and talked like her.  Instead of by standing - she's done something amazing about it!

She's started the Game Changers program!  A program to help under-represented women get coaching certified, and find their footing in this competitive industry.  Last year they welcomed 16 coaches with grants, mentors, and business coaching - and they're about to initiatie another 16 this year.

On top of that - Vanessa has a spring of energy - and is so incredibly passionate.  You won't want to miss this incredible conversation.