Matmonim: Daf Yomi by Rabbi David Lapin artwork

Matmonim: Daf Yomi by Rabbi David Lapin

882 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 days ago -

Matmonim means "hidden treasures." In less than 20 minutes each episode highlights, develops and explains one actionable insight from the Daf Yomi Talmud study cycle. People around the world, from uninitiated seeker to seasoned scholar, are finding inspiration, meaning, and relevance in the wisdom that the Matmonim exposes from every page of Talmud. Matmonim will give you skills to deepen your own learning to get greater satisfaction from the effort you are investing. The podcast is given as a live class each morning at the Raanana Kollel in Israel and focuses on the Daf of the day.

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Rosh Hashana 23a Why Women Should Work– משום ביטול מלאכה לעם

November 01, 2021 05:00 - 18 minutes - 13.1 MB

Work is so much more than earning a living. It is about making a different, providing value and a source of self-worth. Sources

Rosh Hashana 22a Engage in the Economy – משחק בקוביא

October 31, 2021 06:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Engaging in the economy gives people more than a living. It grows their greatness and teaches Yir'at Cheit - consciousness of consequence. Sources

Rosh Hashana 20b Enlightenment Science and Halacha – קידוש לבנה ביום ט"ז

October 29, 2021 07:00 - 17 minutes - 12.4 MB

Exploring the use of scientific data and human experience in the Halachik process, and contextualizing the Chattam Soffer. Sources

Rosh Hashana 19b Balancing Organizational Regulations with Human Needs –אין מעברין בשביעית

October 28, 2021 08:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Leaders are grappling with balancing the need to regulate organizational (or national) behaviors, with the concerns and beliefs of individuals. It all depends on the nature of the regulations as this episode explains. Sources

Rosh Hashana 17a Multitasking Erodes Quality – העוסק בתורה כמניח תפלין דמי

October 26, 2021 04:00 - 13 minutes - 9.06 MB

Multi-tasking is proven to reduce efficiency. More than that, it undermines the quality of our performance. This episode deals with a very particular type of multitasking that the Torah discourages. Sources

Rosh Hashana 16a It is Never too Late to Pray– יפה צעקה בין קודם בין לאחר גזר דין

October 25, 2021 07:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Our focus is too heavily weighted on quantity. It is the quality of life, work, learning, income that we can influence and that really makes the difference. Sources

Rosh Hashana 15a Nature and the Jews – אקרא לאלקים עליון לאל גומר עלי

October 24, 2021 05:00 - 14 minutes - 9.8 MB

 Nature aligns to the calendar - but is this just the solar calendar or can nature also align to the lunar calendar as determined by the Sanhedrin? Medieval scholars, the Ra'ah and the Rashba disagree. Sources

Rosh Hashana 13a Join the Halachik Process – לא תפיק נפשך לבר מהלכתא

October 22, 2021 07:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Question anything in the system; but you cannot question the parameters that define the very system that you are within. Sources

Rosh Hashana 12b The Making of a Vintage – אין תורמין מזה על זה

October 21, 2021 06:00 - 15 minutes - 10.7 MB

A few moments can make the difference in how we experience vegetation. Sources

Rosh Hashana 12b The Making of a Vintage – אין תורמון מזה על זה

October 21, 2021 06:00 - 15 minutes - 10.7 MB

A few moments can make the difference in how we experience vegetation. Sources

Rosh Hashana 11a The Two Worlds are One – כי כל בשמים ובארץ

October 20, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.7 MB

Although we live in two worlds, spiritual and material, in actually they are a single integrated reality. Learn how to operate in this rich and complex way. Sources

Rosh Hashana 10b Living in Two Worlds – בתשרי נברא העולם

October 19, 2021 05:00 - 14 minutes - 9.97 MB

There are different systems of natural law nested within one another. We can choose in which of them we wish to live and how we want the universe to respond to us; randomly or responsively. Sources

Rosh Hashana 9a We are not Digital – כל מקום שיש בו שבות

October 18, 2021 06:00 - 17 minutes - 12.3 MB

Be in the moment well before the moment begins. You can't switch from one experience to another without coming to a standstill in between. Source

Rosh Hashana 8b Hold Lightly – וקדשתם את שנת החמישים שנה

October 17, 2021 06:00 - 14 minutes - 10 MB

Learning how to be less attached to our possessions can be a liberating practice. Sources

Rosh Hashana 6a Know what you Want – כופין אותו עד שיאמר רוצה אני

October 15, 2021 07:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

Awareness is being able to access both your wills: Your physical and your soul-will. Mastery is deciding which of them to respond to. Sources

Rosh Hashana 4a - It's all in the Why? על מנת שיחיה בני

October 13, 2021 09:00 - 10 minutes - 7.13 MB

Being aware of the underlying reason, the true "why?" for what we do is the foundation of self-awareness. Minute differences in the "why?" impact majorly on the quality of what we do and will affect how we do it.

Rosh Hashana 3a The Power of the Invisible – אל תקרא ויראו אלא וייראו

October 12, 2021 05:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

We live very visible lives today, yet in each of us there is an endless reservoir of depth that is not visible. As a nation too, Israel is at its strongest when its true potential is invisible. Sources

Rosh Hashana 2a Diplomacy: Survival or a Torah Value? – מפני השלום

October 11, 2021 05:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

Maintaining constructive relationships with governments has at times in our history been a matter of survival. But it is more than that. Sources

Beitzah 40a Animal Cruelty - ורחמיו על כל מעשיו

October 10, 2021 06:00 - 11 minutes - 7.9 MB

We have to be sensitive to an animal's need for nourishment and even more so to the needs of people for nourishment - not only physical, but also emotional nourishment. Sources

Beitzah 38a Self-Awareness - שלא אבוש

October 10, 2021 05:00 - 4 minutes - 3.5 MB

Being aware of the inner motivation for the fear of embarrasement. Sources

Beitzah 37a Children are Forever - מצוות פריה ורביה

October 07, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Raising children is a responsibility that never ends. What does it mean? Sources

Beitzah 36b Gifting on Shabbat or Yom Tov - מתנה בשבת ויו"ט

October 06, 2021 06:00 - 13 minutes - 9.68 MB

The Chachamim forbade transfer of ownership on Shabbat and Yomtov. This includes gift-giving. What is the origin of the prohibition and its reasons? Sources

Beitzah 35b Distraction on Shabbat - טירחה בשבת

October 05, 2021 05:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

Shabbat is about the mind. Yom Tov is about the body. Hard physical labor is permitted on Shabbat. It is mental distraction from Kedushat Shabbat (the sanctity of Shabbat) that is forbidden. Yom Tov is different. Sources

Beitzah 34b Oneg Yom Tov - אי יום טוב קובע למעשר

October 04, 2021 15:00 - 16 minutes - 11.4 MB

The mitzvah of pleasure, Oneg, applies on Yom Tov as much as it applies on Shabbat. However, there are some unique aspects to Oneg Shabbat that do not apply to Yomtov.  Oneg Shabbat builds up throughout the six days of the week whereas Oneg  Yomtov is only on the day itself. Sources

Beitzah 33b Expansiveness on Shabbat – נשמה יתירה

October 03, 2021 06:00 - 12 minutes - 9.01 MB

Shabbat is a space in which our minds, undistracted from weekday activities, thoughts and speech, can experience extra dimensions of limitless soul. Sources

Beitzah 32b Empathetic Charity – המרחם על הבריות

October 03, 2021 06:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

Charity is not a transaction, it is an opportunity for deep and nourishing connection. Sources

Beitzah Daf 33b Expansiveness on Shabbat – נשמה יתירה

October 03, 2021 06:00 - 12 minutes - 9.01 MB

Shabbat is a space in which our minds, undistracted from weekday activities, thoughts and speech, can experience extra dimensions of limitless soul. Sources

Beitzah Daf 32b Empathetic Charity – המרחם על הבריות

October 03, 2021 06:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

Charity is not a transaction, it is an opportunity for deep and nourishing connection. Sources

Beitzah 30a How not to Intervene – מוטב שיהיו שוגגין

September 30, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

As a leader, knowing when not to intervene is as important as knowing when and how to intervene to inspire changed behavior in others. Sources

Beitzah Daf 28b Shabbat and Yomtov: The Difference - אין בין שבת ליום טוב אלא אוכל נפש

September 29, 2021 05:00 - 11 minutes - 7.77 MB

By understanding the system of forbidden activities on Shabbat and Yomtov respectively, we understand their quintessential differences. Sources

Beitzah 28b Shabbat and Yomtov: The Difference - אין בין שבת ליום טוב אלא אוכל נפש

September 29, 2021 05:00 - 11 minutes - 7.77 MB

By understanding the system of forbidden activities on Shabbat and Yomtov respectively, we understand their quintessential differences. Sources

Beitza Daf 29a Theft Contaminates – אבק גזל וקידוש השם

September 29, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

Whereas in many areas of Halacha we strive to find solutions that alleviate unnecessary, pain, suffering or expense, in interpersonal matters - especially in business - the opporite is the case. We always take the stricter more severe approach so that others are not penalized for our comfort. Sources  

Beitza 29a Decontaminate Theft – אבק גזל וקידוש השם

September 29, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

Whereas in many areas of Halacha we strive to find solutions that alleviate unnecessary, pain, suffering or expense, in interpersonal matters - especially in business - the opporite is the case. We always take the stricter more severe approach so that others are not penalized for our comfort. Sources  

Daf 27b Opportunity for Wealth - ממצוא חפצך ודבר דבר

September 27, 2021 08:00 - 15 minutes - 10.9 MB

There is a powerful economic force that it is possible to access depending on the quality of our Shemirat Shabbat (Shabbat observance). Sources

Beitzah 26a Find a Solution - לערים ולסקיה כר' יהושוע

September 26, 2021 19:00 - 20 minutes - 14 MB

Regulations, even Halacha, can create stress and hardship for people. Sometimes there is nothing to do about it. But mostly, competent solution-minded experts can find a way, and should.

Beitzah Daf 26a Finding a Solution - לערים ולסקיה כר' יהושוע

September 26, 2021 19:00 - 20 minutes - 14 MB

Regulations, even Halacha, can create stress and hardship for people. Sometimes there is nothing to do about it. But mostly, competent solution-minded experts can find a way, and should.

Beitzah 25b Being Human - דרך ארץ קמ"ל

September 26, 2021 07:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

Acting out of alignment with the principles of Derech Eretz (civilized behavior) undermines the core of our humanness and compromises who we are at our essence.

Beitzah Daf 25b What it Means to be Human - דרך ארץ קמ"ל

September 26, 2021 07:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

Acting out of alignment with the principles of Derech Eretz (civilized behavior) undermines the core of our humanness and compromises who we are at our essence.

Beitzah Daf 24b Dynamic Learning - לא ימנע אדם עצמו מבית המדרש

September 24, 2021 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.3 MB

Torah study is a continuously evolving global and multi-generational process. Losing contact with the process even for a very short time, can result in significant loss. Participation in the evolution is the essence of vitality and life. Source

Beitzah 24b Learn Dynamically - לא ימנע אדם עצמו מבית המדרש

September 24, 2021 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.3 MB

Torah study is a continuously evolving global and multi-generational process. Losing contact with the process even for a very short time, can result in significant loss. Participation in the evolution is the essence of vitality and life. Source

Beitzah Daf 23b Mindfulness- דבר שאין מתכוון

September 23, 2021 07:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

Midfulness, in a Halachik context, means Kavvanah - intentionality and direction of focus. How does Kavvanah affect doing wrong and doing right? Sources

Beitzah 23b Mindfulness- דבר שאין מתכוון

September 23, 2021 07:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

Midfulness, in a Halachik context, means Kavvanah - intentionality and direction of focus. How does Kavvanah affect doing wrong and doing right? Sources

Beitzah 22a Who Gets the Credit - מסייע אין בו ממש

September 22, 2021 06:00 - 18 minutes - 12.9 MB

Judging who gets the credit for an action or initiative is different if a human is judging or if Hashem is. Sources

Beitzah Daf 20 Honesty vs. Peace - מותר לשנות מפני השלום

September 20, 2021 06:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

Absolute truth is not the ideal by which to live in our world. Truth needs to be synthesized with peace in order for it to be a Divine value. Sometimes this even requires one to engineer the facts to preserve the peace. What are the limits of diplomacy? This episode explores the idea. Sources

Beitzah 20 Honesty vs. Peace - מותר לשנות מפני השלום

September 20, 2021 06:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

Absolute truth is not the ideal by which to live in our world. Truth needs to be synthesized with peace in order for it to be a Divine value. Sometimes this even requires one to engineer the facts to preserve the peace. What are the limits of diplomacy? This episode explores the idea. Sources

Beitzah 19 Purify From - Purify For - טבילת כלים ביום טוב

September 19, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

Tahara- purity - is not just the absence of Tumah (contamination). Tahara is a higher state of being, it had nuance and requires intent. Sources 

Beitzah Daf 19 Purify From - Purify For - טבילת כלים ביום טוב

September 19, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

Tahara- purity - is not just the absence of Tumah (contamination). Tahara is a higher state of being, it had nuance and requires intent. Sources 

Beitzah 15-16 Prepare Yourself - דין עירוב תבשילין

September 15, 2021 05:00 - 12 minutes - 8.42 MB

Preparation is key to quality of experience and quality of life. But preparation is not just about preparing the object (the presentation, the speech, the meal) but about preparing the subject, preparing ourselves. Sources

Beitzah Daf 15-16 Prepare Yourself - דין עירוב תבשילין

September 15, 2021 05:00 - 12 minutes - 8.42 MB

Preparation is key to quality of experience and quality of life. But preparation is not just about preparing the object (the presentation, the speech, the meal) but about preparing the subject, preparing ourselves. Sources

Beitza 14b - Being vs Doing on Shabbat – ברירה_מעוטי בטרחא עדיף

September 14, 2021 05:00 - 11 minutes - 8.04 MB

Shabbat and Yomotov differ not only in their laws of observance, but also in the atmosphere we have to create on each of these occasions. Sources