We’re all attracted to self-improvement in some way, right? We want to improve our bank accounts; we want to improve our health by losing weight; we want to improve our conversational ability, our memories, our knowledge, our appearance, and much more. We love self-improvement. But we don’t always know that inner improvement is the gateway to all other improvements. It is a bit like wanting to bring in a gardener, a landscaper, and a tree specialist to improve our yard but keeping the gate locked so none of the workers can enter. Opening the portal to self-improvement is what Mussar is all about and my guest on this show, Ruchi Koval is a specialist in the ancient Jewish practice of Mussar.  This is her book Soul Construction: https://bit.ly/Soul-Construction-Ruchi-Koval. Happy Warriors will like her take on Barbie, the movie. Can you improve the world by improving yourself? Must you forgive yourself before forgiving others?  Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.