Why you have to check out this episode:

Find out how to leverage people to do things for you, so you grow your real estate business and have the freedom that you've always wanted. Overcome common objections to task delegation and hiring virtual assistants. Learn how to find out what works for your consumers by studying other people's brands.

3Rs - Read, Resource, Reflect


Real Estate Disruptors - Podcast

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell

Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness by Tim Grover


Text message marketing
Launch control


If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else. - Yogi Berra


Delegation is one thing most business owners are having a hard time doing.

In wanting to be on your own, you end up being overwhelmed and in the process, find yourself doing things that are dragging you down and stopping you from growing your business.

How do you find the time and freedom you've always wanted in the first place and still find success in business?

In this episode, Amy Ransdell shares how you can leverage other people, specifically known as VAs (virtual Assistants), to do things for you to scale sooner and faster.

Many don't see the value of having other people do things you can do or do better than you.

Once you realize that, great things keep coming to your business.

When it comes to marketing, she ‘doubles down’ not on any other thing but these two important words that she'd like tattooed on anyone's arm so that you get reminded every time that they matter more.

She shares essential insights and lessons learned in coaching that you can always make use of in your real estate business.

As an investor and agent herself, and pulling from her experience, her words of wisdom will ring true for you, as well.

Amy Ransdell is an Executive Execution Transformation & Peak Performance Coach, active real estate investor, real estate investment mentor, real estate agent trainer, investment strategist, licensed real estate broker, brokerage owner, SALES trainer, national speaker, marketing lead for multiple companies, and NLP Certified Master Practitioner and Breakthrough coach.

Having empowered thousands of coaching clients over 18 years and built multiple real estate performance programs, while balancing life and family as a mother of 3, Amy understands HOW important it is to give yourself the tactical and mindset resources you need to enjoy LIFE while crafting a career, building a business, and maximizing your income.

Amy's passion is helping individuals tap their personal power so that by living in alignment with their creative calling and their values, they can PERFORM personally, professionally, and physically at the highest level. Her love of the synergy of biochemistry, neuroscience, artistic expression, performance development, and 18 years of coaching 1000s of real estate professionals provides her clients with a uniquely qualified approach.

Topics Covered:

03:31 - What got her into real estate investing
04:54 - How she gets people to take action
05:27 - Getting into the real estate space with her investor hat on first
06:42 - Why she believes you should get a license as a real estate investor
07:52 - Sharing important lessons in marketing and coaching
12:45 - Digging deep and finding out people's problems
14:57 - The one best way to have your freedom at the same time scale your business
17:25 - Hiring people from a personality or skill-type perspective
19:05 - How soon should you have virtual assistants
23:32 - The mindset around delegating tasks and what you must understand about hiring virtual assistants
27:40 - Empowering Virtual Assistants
28:58 - Dealing with concern over other people(VAs)getting access to your database
30:20 - Overcoming timezone differences
32:26 - Tackling the idea of outsourcing your social media posts but keeping your voice and communication style
36:11 - Why studying other brands is key to finding what works for your own clients
38:22 - What makes her admire these brands so much
39:43 - Podcast she listens to, and her book recommendations
41:57 - Helpful tools for marketing and generating leads
43:03 - A quote that helps with clarity of vision for your business
44:37 - Valuable action you can do right away after listening to this episode

Key Takeaways:

"All the advantages of the license. Not only do you have access to so many resources utilized through that license, but from a credibility perspective nowadays, to be able to present that to sellers, motivated sellers, especially, and to have that additional bucket of exit strategy that you can utilize." - Amy Ransdell

"With marketing, I think a powerful lesson for everyone that I take to heart is 'the progress over perfection'. That in marketing, it's not creativity that is what empowers you. It's consistency and clear intention, clear decision and clarity of destination." - Amy Ransdell

"Probably the biggest lesson as coaches, we have sometimes to step in, ask the tough questions and help people say no to things in order to say yes to themselves." - Amy Ransdell

"The only way to scale and the only way to have the freedom but still continue to grow your gross commission income or grow the revenue for your investing business, whatever that is, is you've got to use people to do things for you." - Amy Ransdell

"The earlier that you can adopt the mentality of outsourcing to someone to be able to scale and do more and be more efficient with your time, the earlier you're going to have greater results." - Amy Ransdell

"Go hire people to fill in for your weaknesses, and then let go and let them do it." - Amy Ransdell

"Don't just abdicate and walk away, do work with your virtual assistants, and do empower them to do their job for you." - Amy Ransdell

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Connect with Amy Ransdell:

revaglobal.com Email add: [email protected] Facebook LinkedIn

Connect with Paul Copcutt:

reibranded.com LinkedIn Email: [email protected]

Music: Thank you to Zoax for the intro music.

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