Why you have to check out this episode:

Learn how to leverage other people's money by building your personal brand. Find out about marketing strategies you can employ for brand awareness. Find out what content works best on LinkedIn and how to give value, so you get more engagement and success in what you do.

3Rs Read Resource Reflect


Tribes by Seth Godin
Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill


Octopus CRM
Tube Buddy


Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there's no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Deliver equals success; perfection equals broke. - Scott's marketing mentor

The only thing that you will guarantee by not taking action is failure. - Scott Carson


We live in a world of instant gratification. We want quick results, and when we don't get them at once, we give up.

We need to be reminded that anything worth having takes time.

Just like building a business, building your brand is a long-term game that requires patience, creativity, and the right mindset.

In this episode, Scott shares insights and ideas on brand building and marketing. As for him, there is a lot to be learned from repetition and from giving value. Continuously putting yourself in front of your audience allows for brand recall. People connect more when you are being authentic and come from a place of help.

When it comes to creating content, done is better than perfect. You've got to take action, especially where videos are concerned. Don't shy away from doing them, or else you will be left behind.

He doubles down on narrowing your niche and focusing solely on it, so you get quality clients over time.

He's got one system that keeps everything in his business going and working. Find out what that is.

Scott Carson (aka "The Note Guy") has been an active real estate investor and entrepreneur since 2002, focusing on the niche of distressed mortgage notes. Since 2008 he has purchased over $1 Billion in distressed notes on residential and commercial properties all across the country.

He has helped thousands of real estate investors and entrepreneurs create wealth through his debt buying tactics and classes, helping his students close thousands of deals. He also hosts the nationally syndicated radio and podcast Note Closers Show Podcast. An avid sports fan, he spends his free time traveling, gardening, and making memories. He calls Austin, Texas, home with his better half, Stephanie, and their four-legged kids.

Topics Covered:

03:44 - How he became the 'note guy'
06:23 - A golden personal brand
07:06 - Understanding note closing
10:10 - How he leveraged LinkedIn to find leads
11:38 - Strategies he employs to make people responsive to his message
13:33 - Financing ways and raising capital
15:01 - How he took advantage of YouTube as a means to market at a time when it wasn't the craze yet
17:04 - Long-form content over short videos
18:31 - How COVID affects what content to create
20:07 - What works best on LinkedIn in terms of content
23:37 - Why get narrowed down in your niche
25:29 - What is so important about repetition and adding value
28:17 - What is the 'marketing tripod' all about
30:04 - You've got to embrace videos
33:14 - His advice for people wanting to leave corporate and become entrepreneurs
37:50 - Why this brand is a personal favorite
38:34 - Favorite books he recommends
40:46 - Tools he loves and enjoys using
41:48 - A favorite quote that truly summarizes how he started on the journey
43:03 - His best bit of advice

Key Takeaways:

"It's just a matter of following up, constantly trying to stay in front of them -- with phone calls, emails, and LinkedIn messages. And there are some tools that we use to help automate that a little bit." - Scott Carson

"Here's what works well, short, short videos, 10 minutes or less on LinkedIn, and you got to post regularly on there, something valuable. If you don't have a video, post an article or something, but don't just post the link to the article, share your opinion. But avoid talking about politics and religion." - Scott Carson

"Being hyper-niched like I am, that's been the biggest thing because my audience, my subscribers, my listeners, they know I'm not gonna sit here and try to sell them on some new technique or tactic or anything like that. I'm focused solely on what I do, so when they want to come in and find information about the note business, they come to the note guy, the one they've done some marketing in the past, to help them with what's going on." - Scott Carson

"Don't go wide. Go deep into that one niche and go down, and you'll find success. You also find a lot better quality clients in the long run." - Scott Carson

"Repetition is something that we can all learn versus just sending that once and waiting for people to fall over with deal flow or money or credit cards, whatever. You have got to hit them again and again and change the message a little bit and add value along the way." - Scott Carson

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Connect with Scott Carson:

weclosenotes.com Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Instagram

Connect with Paul Copcutt:

reibranded.com LinkedIn Email: [email protected]

Music: Thank you to Zoax for the intro music.

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