Admit it - you’ve compared what you have to what someone else has, whether as a child or an adult. That’s human nature. Ustadh Michael Wolfender explains why Allah distributes wealth, education, knowledge, talent, skill and even family ties evenly, though we may often be envious or not understand a perceived imbalance.

Brother Michael is referring to Ayah 31 of Surah Az-Zukhruf (43 The Ornaments of Gold) where we learn the mercy of Allah is better. He distributes blessings accordingly and it is best to focus on what we do have. 

Brother Michael says, "If you've been going to the mosque, to the masjid during the month of Ramadan, there's a lot of fundraising going on. Sometimes you might be wishing that you could be raising your hand to give a lot of money like other people do. But Allah knows your intention. Allah knows what's inside the heart. And the person who has two dollars and gives one dollar has given fifty percent. The person who has two thousand dollars and gives twenty has given a lower portion. Allah knows the intention. Allah accepts the intention."

Do the best with what you have instead of being selfish by comparing yourself to others or making fun of those who have less. 

Allah could have made everyone rich; the differences Allah provides us is intended for us to better appreciate.

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