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The Angry Rican (This is Planet Earth)

658 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 3 years ago -

A different approach to news, social issues, religious discussions and life in general. We give a comprehensive look at what happens nationwide (United States) and the rest of the world

One thing that will not change is the passion of the Angryrican

This is Planet Earth (In both English and Spanish)

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Espanol: Porque idolatramos a los personajes equivocados?

November 13, 2019 01:54 - 16 minutes - 15 MB

Latinoamerica ha tenido una obsesion con "hombres fuertes" en los gobiernos, politicos corruptos y traficantes de narcoticos que se presentan como los modernos Robin Hoods.  Desde Puerto Rico, Mexico, Dominicana, Argentina, la historia de nuestros pueblos esta llena de esto.  Nos levantamos, derrotamos a esos enemigos y volvemos a caer.  Es esto inevitable?  O hay una manera de romper este ciclo?  Acompanenos a tener este dialogo en La Busqueda de la Verdad, The Quest for the Truth en Espano...

Happy Veterans Day!!! Now, about Pat Tillman and unnecessary wars...

November 11, 2019 16:18 - 12 minutes - 11.8 MB

Veterans Day is a very special day for those of us that served this great nation.  However we have to point out few historical facts that make us wonder how serious our leaders really feel about our veterans?  This is The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Disney, ABC News, Epstein and pedophilia: are they all related?

November 09, 2019 18:38 - 20 minutes - 19.2 MB

Is it fair to say ABC was deliberately supporting pedophilia when they killed the story of Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sexual abuse of minors and the interview of his accuser by Amy Robach?  Was Disney knowingly supporting him by docking in Little St. James' island in the Virgin Islands?  How much can we demand from ABC and how much of this theory is true, or is any of this verifiable at all?   Come with us as we find as much as we can in The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message...

White supremacy and chauvinism

November 09, 2019 16:28 - 29 minutes - 27 MB

Is the new White Supremacist movement more about a male centered system, in which women are sort of willing servants?  Is the inclusion of minorities and multi ethnic individuals an evidence of this?  Non White males are being accepted into these nationalistic fraternities and the results can be stunning, as well as the stories of former female members.  Follow me into this world and learn what's going on out there.  This is The Quest for the Truth!   --- Send in a voice message: https://...

Just one name: Jeffrey Epstein & why ABC News killed the biggest story of the decade

November 09, 2019 15:26 - 22 minutes - 20.8 MB

Mention the name Jeffrey Epstein and nothing else needs to be said.  Did he?  Was he?  Let's talk about him and how the biggest story ABC News has had this decade was purposely blocked right here on The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Espanol: Lo que representa la immigracion para los Estados Unidos

November 09, 2019 14:48 - 21 minutes - 20 MB

Nadie tiene objecion, o no puede tener objeciones de que Estados Unidos tenga control en su frontera.  Como se ejerce ese control es lo que puede traer problemas a nivel tragico.  Una politica de immigracion efectiva es lo que haria esta nacion aun mas grande de lo que es.  Tengamos esa conversacion aqui en The Quest for the Truth, La Busqueda de la Verdad! --- Send in a voice message:

Scary Memes: Will a defeat of Trump spell Armageddon?

November 07, 2019 03:38 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

A meme has appeared on social networks that states that if Trump loses the 2020 elections, the country will be condemned to a catastrophe. Is it true or is this a brainwashing lie? Check our position in the Quest for the Truth --- Send in a voice message:

Espanol: Memes de miedo: ¿sera una derrota de Trump Armagedón?

November 07, 2019 03:27 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

Ha aparecido un meme en las redes sociales que declara que si Trump pierde las elecciones del 2020 el pais estara condenado a una catastrofe.  Es verdad o es esto una mentira de lavado de cerebro?  Chequee nuestra posicion al respecto en La Busqueda de la Verdad (The Quest for the Truth) --- Send in a voice message:

The whistle blower and the American dictatorial reality

November 07, 2019 01:34 - 14 minutes - 13 MB

Donald Trump continues a long tradition among the last few presidents to berate, attack and intimidate people that dare expose their anti American actions: the whistle blowers, rogue informants or opponents!  Join me as we have a dialogue about Trump's efforts to act as an untouchable strong Latin style generalisimo with clear disregard for American values, Bush and Cheney's dangerous precedent and Obama's betrayal of long standing guidelines to protect American individual rights and liberty...

When it seems the people have had enough

November 06, 2019 16:15 - 15 minutes - 14.4 MB

The 2019 Elections gave us stunning results, including Kentucky, Mitch McConnell's home state electing a Democrat governor.  Are we seeing the beginning of a blue wave creating a tsunami on November 2020?  Have people had enough with the unpredictability of Donald Trump?  Were these elections more of a statement against the president?  Let's talk, let's discuss it, This is The Quest for the Truth? --- Send in a voice message:

Espanol: Una terrible tragedia y un inesperado Twit

November 06, 2019 02:05 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

Esta semana 9 miembros de una misión mormona en México fueron masacrados en el estado mexicano de Sinaloa. Fueron atrapados en un tiroteo entre dos carteles de la droga. Todos eran ciudadanos duales, y esta tragedia ha afectado a la sensibilidad en todo el mundo. México tiene un problema, y ​​este problema también nos afecta. ¿Adivina quién envió un Twit que nos da esperanzas pero que debería haber sido el comportamiento defalto de este individuo en particular? ¡Descubre esta edición de The ...

A terrible tragedy and an unexpected Twitter message

November 05, 2019 19:59 - 11 minutes - 11.1 MB

This week 9 member of a Mormon mission in Mexico were massacred in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.  They were caught in a gun battle between two drug cartels.  They were all dual citizens, and this tragedy has hit sensibilities worldwide.  Mexico has a problem, and this problem affects us as well.  Guess who sent a Twit that gives us all hopes but should have been the standard behavior of this particular individual?  Find out on this edition of The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice m...

Espanol: Chile, Venezuela y como Latino America se derrite en confusion

November 05, 2019 15:00 - 14 minutes - 13.1 MB

Chile se prendio en candela este pasado mes!  Es cierto que Nicolas Maduro esta detras de esas protestas?  Algo es totalmente cierto: Latino America esta teniendo dificultades en mantener estabilidad y orden democratico.  Mucha de la culpa es nuestra!  Siganos aqui en Busqueda de la Verdad (Quest for the Truth) --- Send in a voice message:

The tragic crisis almost everybody is ignoring

November 04, 2019 20:24 - 11 minutes - 10.5 MB

Are you entertained by the circus called The Impeachment Proceedings?  You are having fun, right?  You hate Trump, you love Trump, you have a love affair with the elephant and the jackass, but what about the ongoing crisis hardly anybody is following?  Take a look at your children and hug them tight, for this crisis involves their peers.  Follow us at The Quest for the Truth!!! --- Send in a voice message:

Did the media learn from its past mistakes or will they fall again?

October 28, 2019 19:21 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

"Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. The term refers to components of the mass media communications industry, such as print media, publishing, the news media, photography, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television), and advertising."  The media is the fourth power in a strong democracy.  But they are continuing to commit the same mistakes that have brought drama to the American political spectrum and mainstream.  Those mistakes gave us...

Have honesty and decency died? Part 1

October 28, 2019 10:35 - 11 minutes - 21.7 MB

Recently yours truly was involved in an auto accident.  It has been difficult to find legal representation to dispute the compensation or lack of proper compensation from the insurance company.  I was not injured in the accident.  Had we proceeded to fake an injury perhaps this would be done.  This attitude of "getting away with lies" is a reflection of where we are as a society and it reflects in the leaders we elect.  This is an opinion.  You don't agree?  Listen to this episode of Quest f...

Espanol: Han muerto la decencia y la honestidad?

October 27, 2019 21:08 - 12 minutes - 23.1 MB

Recientemente me vi envuelto en un terrible accidente de automobil.  Debido a que no sufri ninguna lesion casi no encuentro firmas de abogados para ayudarme a recibir la recompensa justa de parte de la aseguradora.  Muchos hubiesen finjido una lesion.  De echo, parece que ese comportamiento deshonesto es lo que atrae tanto a la sociedad Estadounidense como a la sociedad Latina.  Solo hay que fijarse en los lideres politicos que elegimos.  Hablamos de esto en este episodio de Quest for the Tr...

Dave Bald Eagle: A true American hero!

October 17, 2019 00:06 - 24 minutes - 44.6 MB

This week as we continue to feel triggered over whether it is Columbus /Discovery of America Day or Indigenous People's Day, we have decided here on The Quest for the Truth to celebrate a true American, a true personality in our history: David William Bald Eagle, also known as Chief David Beautiful Bald Eagle --- Send in a voice message:

A case that will haunt Hillary forever

October 16, 2019 23:29 - 24 minutes - 44.6 MB

Did Hillary Clinton knowingly defend a rapist, got him acquitted of charges, questioned the victim's mental status and then laughed about her during an interview?  That would make her one extremely horrible person.  Was everything you read true?  Nowadays one cannot believe the first thing one sees.  Why don't you click on the link to find out exactly what went on back in 1975 with that young lawyer Hillary Rodham (later Clinton) the accused rapist and the young victim?  Follow the story on ...

Espanol - Puerto Rico: Mas preocupado por su imagen que en problemas actuales

October 16, 2019 13:31 - 15 minutes - 14.2 MB

Puerto Rico padece del mismo problema que parece afligir a el resto de Latino America: percepcion es mas importante que la realidad.  La isla saco a un gobernador corrupto e insensible pero parece haber caido en el letargo que siempre habia padecido.  Parece que su imagen preocupa mas que la creciente ola criminal.  Este parece ser un mal que aqueja nuestras tierras.  Hablamos de esto en este capitulo de quest for the Truth, La Busqueda de la Verdad --- Send in a voice message: https://an...

Are Democrats rigging their own primaries?

October 14, 2019 16:51 - 10 minutes - 9.91 MB

Tulsi Grabbard has denounced an alleged attempt by the Democratic National Committee and the media to rig the primaries.  Is she right?  There is precedent.  Listen to us right here, this is The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Jerry Jones, Donald Trump and similarities between Dallas Cowboys and the U.S.A.

October 14, 2019 16:14 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

The Dallas Cowboys and the United States are very similar in our current era.  They are both led by two controversial figures: Jerry Jones and Donald Trump.  How do they compare?  How many similarities can we find?  Listen to us and find out.  Word of advise: It will not be positive! --- Send in a voice message:

En Espanol: Jerry Jones y Donald Trump: Muchas similaridades, igualmente preocupante

October 14, 2019 15:08 - 11 minutes - 10.6 MB

Los Dallas Cowboys son una de las organizaciones mas poderosas y ricas economicamente en el mundo.  Los Estados Unidos sonla nacion mas poderosa economicamente y militarmente en el planeta.  Ambas entidades estan governadas por dos figuras controversiales y polarizantes: Jerry Jones y Donald Trump.  Cuan similares son ambas?  Escuchanos y averigua nuestra respuesta, pero te advierto: no es un articulo positivo! --- Send in a voice message:

The Joker: Just a movie or a reflection of our social faults?

October 09, 2019 15:16 - 12 minutes - 11.2 MB

The Joker!  The movie is about to break all kinds of cinema records.  But beyond the movie going experience lays a possible hard look at what we do to contribute to create other Jokers, this time real life disturbed individuals.  Follow us in The Quest for the Truth --- Send in a voice message:

EN ESPANOL: Es Joker una mera pelicula o nos refleja como en realidad somos?

October 09, 2019 14:16 - 11 minutes - 10.2 MB

La pelicula The Joker (El Comodin) es controversial por varias razones, pero lo cierto es que ha expuesto una dura realidad en nuestra sociedad: no somos tan humanos como quisieramos pensar.  Acompaname a autoanalizarnos, en Quest for the Truth, La Busqueda de la Verdad --- Send in a voice message:

Drive by message: Hillary, Kamala and Heavy Metal

October 09, 2019 14:09 - 3 minutes - 2.8 MB

Did Hillary knowingly defend a rapist and later laughed at the victim?  Did Kamala Harris call our troops cowards?  That plus my beef with negativity towards Heavy Metal soon! --- Send in a voice message:

How much are teachers worth? In Florida more soon!

October 08, 2019 00:51 - 14 minutes - 26.3 MB

Teachers do not get enough respect.  Their salaries fall short of logical compensation.  But at least in Florida that's about to change.  Governor De Santis is pushing for higher starting salaries.  That's a cause for celebration here in The Quest for the Truth --- Send in a voice message:


October 08, 2019 00:22 - 12 minutes - 23.8 MB

En la isla de Puerto Rico dos legisladores proponen hacer una escuelita anti corrupcion para funcionarios de gobierno.  Escuchen porque para nosotros en The Quest for the Truth, La Busqueda de la Verdad, eso es un insulto al pueblo de Borinquen --- Send in a voice message:

The Joker and social panic: remember The Exorcist?

October 06, 2019 20:37 - 26 minutes - 48.8 MB

One can describe the marketing and reaction towards the new Joaquin Phoenix's film The Joker, directed by Tod Phillips in one word: GENIUS!  This people have totally gotten a reaction, with no neutral reaction.  People either love it or are horrified by the apparent story of social rejection and ridicule towards the m,mentally ill and glorification of violence.   This reaction has a precedent: Back in 1973 norms and taboos were broken with the release of The Exorcist.  Dangerous game or mark...

Were the 1950s the greatest decade? Depends who you ask

October 06, 2019 18:48 - 27 minutes - 50.5 MB

The story of 30-year-old Katrina Holte is fascinating.  She has renounced this century and has chosen to live life as a 1950s housewife with the blessing of her husband who appreciates her wishes to keep the household functioning and take care of him.  Often this is what we think about that decade.  The 1950s are presented as the perfect period of American history.  But dig a little deeper and a totally different America emerges from the historical data base.  Often life was different for Af...

The media and George W Obama made Orange the new tragedy

October 06, 2019 01:30 - 16 minutes - 30.7 MB

The main topic of conversation now is the Impeachment.  It has turned into a major circus with Democrats acting vindictive and Republicans becoming spineless.  But how did we get here?  The free publicity of the media along with the erratic behavior of past administrations gave us this spectacle of corruption and careless behavior in Washington.  We believe this to be the ultimate truth. --- Send in a voice message:

How much is a stay at home mom worth?

October 06, 2019 00:04 - 14 minutes - 27.3 MB

Recently a lady in Oregon decided to be a stay at home mom living as they did back in the 1950s.  She is very happy and her husband is appreciative of her efforts.  But is it advisable for women today to be stay at home moms?  How much and how hard is it to stay home and raise a family in a traditional manner?  We discuss this on this episode of The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Misplaced anger

October 05, 2019 23:27 - 11 minutes - 21.2 MB

A cop shots a man thinking he had broken into her apartment.  It was his apartment!  Trial takes place, she's found guilty.  Younger brother hugs his brother's killer and the judge gives her a Bible.  People across the country are upset at both actions.  Is this anger legitimate or is it misplaced?  Join us in The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Trump's Nationalism helps, just not the U.S.

October 03, 2019 00:29 - 11 minutes - 10.3 MB

From the beginning Donald Trump has been running on a platform that is anti immigrant, anti globalism and pro nationalism.  Hence his slogan "Make America Great Again".  In his quest for isolation he is leaving an opening in world's affair.  That emptiness has been filled slowly by a new emerging super power: China.  Should you be worry?  Based in history and current events I would say, In my own Humble opinion, YES!   --- Send in a voice message:

Drive by Message: Upcoming episodes

October 01, 2019 15:16 - 6 minutes - 5.85 MB

We will be analyzing the lasting effects of slavery in American culture, modern day slavery and the impeachment scandal --- Send in a voice message:

Politicians dictating the media what to cover

September 30, 2019 17:07 - 10 minutes - 9.68 MB

Donald Trump has been a big enemy of the media.  However, now Joe Biden has begun to go the same route.  Check out what we are referring to on this episode of The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Vaping and suspicious concerns

September 30, 2019 14:13 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

Vaping is under attack for recent health issues and deaths that have happened because of it.  But, could they have reacted the same way with regular cigarette smoking?  Let's go on The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Obvious corruption in an alarming era

September 30, 2019 10:15 - 13 minutes - 25.1 MB

In our recent history we have had an alarming amount of corruption in our government, at all levels.  But that the corruption from this administration has become something of an expected occurrence is not only alarming but it paints a disturbing picture for our future.  Somebody has to talk about the obvious, and it might as well be us here on The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

En Espanol: Jose Jose y el valos de los Grammys

September 29, 2019 22:57 - 11 minutes - 21.3 MB

Jose Jose nos dejo esta semana, culpa de cancer pancreatico.  Esta semana muchos exponentes del Reggaeton se quejaron que los Grammys Latinos los habian despreciado al dejarlos fuera de muchas nominaciones.  Sabian ustedes que Jose Jose fue nominado 9 veces y no gano ninguna estatuilla?  Tienen estas premiaciones algun valor?  Acompanenme en la Busqueda de la Verdad, The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Did two U.S. Congresswomen insult the American military?

September 29, 2019 21:24 - 14 minutes - 27.2 MB

Understand something: I am an Independent through and through!  I might go left center or right center but never stray to either extreme.  Understand something else: politically I have disagreed with both Kamala Harris and Alejandra Ocasio-Cortez, but I am not going to stop at an opportunity to debunk fake information.  Did they insult the military men and women?  Take a guess.  If you can't take a guess, click on the link and listen as I explain that there are many parodies and fake informa...

Nation of Millions or Straight Outta Compton?

September 29, 2019 14:24 - 22 minutes - 41.1 MB

Two albums, different visions in Hip Hop.  Public Enemy's It takes a nation of millions to hold us back and N.W.A.'s Straight outta Compton changed Hip Hop forever although with different styles and results.  Check out the story on The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

En Espanol: Los Americanos no son los unicos, nosotros tambien

September 28, 2019 21:56 - 13 minutes - 25 MB

Los Americanos muchas veces piensan que si escuchan Espanol o saben que eres Hispano se imaginan Mexico o ilegales.  Eso es frustrante pero, son ellos los unicos?  Nosotros los Latinos tambien sufrimos de confusion.  Hblare de eso en la version en Espanol de Quest for the Truth, La Busqueda de la Verdad! --- Send in a voice message:

While you were at the circus, America...

September 28, 2019 20:59 - 17 minutes - 32.6 MB

The impeachment charade is occupying the attention and the minds of people all over social media.  Donald Trump's corruption is blatant but the other side is as guilty and has been for quite some time.  There are no innocent saviors in this tragi-comedy.  However, while America was obsessed with the clowns from the left and the right it totally missed few news that are perhaps as important and illustrate a bigger problem with our bureaucratic system and honestly with our own collective prior...

Appetite or Nevermind?

September 28, 2019 13:50 - 21 minutes - 40 MB

Two albums, different worlds even though they were released only 4 years apart.  Which album had more impact, at least on a personal level?  I try to answer that on The Quest for the Truth --- Send in a voice message:

Are millennials entitled and lazy or are they game changers?

September 27, 2019 23:47 - 20 minutes - 36.8 MB

Millenials are taking over the work force and making boomers and older Gen X-ers resent them.  Part of the reason is that Millenials demand flexibility in the work place and few perks that the older workers feel should be earned.  But, are Millenials and Gen Z-ers onto something?  And, when if you remember did you hear those claims before?  I think you'll enjoy our episode today.  So, join me in The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

No respect given to Metal Music

September 27, 2019 22:47 - 13 minutes - 25 MB

The NFL will present the Super Bowl on February 2020 in Miami.  The Half Time show will be performed by J-Lo and Shakira.  That's excellent!  But...once again Heavy Metal music has been ignored despite the fact that over half the songs heard in stadiums around the league are from the Hard Rock genre.  This lack of respect is nothing new.  We have proof.  Join us in The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Drive By Message: More thoughts about Greta, Nick and Heavy Metal

September 27, 2019 18:14 - 5 minutes - 4.86 MB

I continue to analyze the situation involving Greta Thunburg, the hypocrisy in regards to her and Nick Sandmann (another 16 year old) and why isn't the NFL booking Heavy Metal bands to play the Half-Time show at the Super Bowl --- Send in a voice message:

Estoy listo para hablarte en mi idioma! The Quest for the Truth en espanol!

September 27, 2019 18:05 - 4 minutes - 4.55 MB

Acompanenme en mi podcast en la version en espanol, Quest for the Truth --- Send in a voice message:

Drive By Message

September 27, 2019 16:38 - 8 minutes - 7.86 MB

This audio is a review on the last podcast which dealt with the social media bullying on Greta Thunburgh and Nick Sandmann and we raise the question why the NFL won't consider Heavy Metal groups for their Super Bowl Half-Time show --- Send in a voice message:

Adults behaving badly

September 27, 2019 09:04 - 14 minutes - 26.6 MB

When is it ok for an adult to mock and bully a kid, a teen specifically?  It seems to me that it depends on which side of the political spectrum you happen to be in.  Join me in The Quest for the Truth! --- Send in a voice message:

Twitter Mentions

@kayleighmcenany 1 Episode
@cspan 1 Episode