The central issue of the 2020 presidential campaign was settled within the first 11 minutes of the final debate between President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden on Thursday. And it did not work out well for Trump.

“More and more people are getting better. We have a problem that’s a worldwide problem,” Trump declared. “We’re rounding the turn. We’re rounding the corner. It’s going away.”

Problem One for Trump: Saying that it’s a “worldwide problem” doesn’t get him off the hook. Problem Two: We’re not rounding the turn. Problem Three: We’re not rounding the corner. Problem Four: It’s not going away anytime soon.

So Biden pounced: “220,000 Americans dead. You hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this. Anyone who is responsible for not taking control ... anyone [who] is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.” - E.J. Dionne Jr. Washington Post


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