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The Angry Rican (This is Planet Earth)

658 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 3 years ago -

A different approach to news, social issues, religious discussions and life in general. We give a comprehensive look at what happens nationwide (United States) and the rest of the world

One thing that will not change is the passion of the Angryrican

This is Planet Earth (In both English and Spanish)

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Español: Episodio para Jueves Agosto 12, 2021

August 12, 2021 16:00 - 26 minutes - 25 MB

Hablemos de covid, y de otras situaciones que reflejan la falta de consideración a la vida humana del Partido Republicano --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for Wednesday August 11th 2021: Miss trusting the government now but supporting it years ago

August 11, 2021 16:00 - 26 minutes - 24.8 MB

Isn't it amazing that some of the people that are encouraging the population not to get the covid vaccine where perhaps the ones that supported the government in invading Iraq back in 2003? Hear me out and analyze --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for Friday July 30th 2021

July 30, 2021 15:00 - 50 minutes - 47.7 MB

We have reached the end of the working week and I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! Today we reminisce on how we got involved in Afghanistan to begin with and also how we took an erratic turn to go to Iraq and we've been paying ever since. I also continue to talk about our problem with this pandemic which unfortunately from the get-go has become one big political controversy and it shouldn't have been that way. Let me tell you what my vision was and unfortunately the results of our erra...

Espanol: Episodio de Julio 28 2021

July 28, 2021 15:07 - 46 minutes - 43.9 MB

Saludos a todos, gracias por su respaldo!  Hoy hablamos de como el trabajador a nivel mundial es abusado y explotado pero se supone que esten agradecidos.  Tambien hablamos de lideres religiosos y politicos que mienten causando stress innecesario y en ocasiones eso tiene consecuencias fatales --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Episodio para julio 27 año 2021 - quien tiene el compás de la moralidad?

July 27, 2021 15:00 - 50 minutes - 47.4 MB

Saludos y gracias por su respaldo! En este episodio estoy hablando de las tres potencias las cuales como ustedes saben son los Estados Unidos China y Rusia y el factor de que mientras criticamos a Estados Unidos lo cierto es que la historia de China y Rusia inclusive cuando era la Unión soviética tienen una historia bien sangrienta aún con sus propios ciudadanos. También entiendo que hay una desconfianza entre millones de personas para aplicarse la vacuna al covid 19 y debido a la historia de...

Episode for Monday July 26 2021: Creating a Problem to solve an invisible problem

July 26, 2021 15:00 - 46 minutes - 42.8 MB

Happy beginning of the week!  Thanks for listening!  In this episode we discuss the recent electoral overhaul in several states, specifically Georgia.  We think this is creating a problem that was meant as a solution for a non existent problem.  Also the latest in vaccine controversy.  Finally, is marijuana really harmless?

Episode for Friday July 23rd the year 2021: How do Democrats continue to lose elections

July 23, 2021 15:00 - 42 minutes - 40 MB

Greetings and thank you for another opportunity to come to you thanks to the magic of anchor FM. In this episode part of our effort we touch superficially on the fact that the Democrats are pretty good at losing elections and not explaining exactly what they plan. Also it's in the amazing how people for the love of money are willing to take risk that in the end are damaging and dangerous to regular citizens? Has anybody noticed how hypocritical youth bashing is? Finally the events of these pa...

Español: episodio para el jueves 22 de Julio año 2021 - el racismo y la política americana

July 22, 2021 15:00 - 27 minutes - 25.9 MB

Buenos días amigos de habla hispana, en este episodio hablamos de cómo el racismo lamentablemente se usa en la política norteamericana y no vemos como eso vaya a cambiar. También nos resulta increíble como el gobernador que fue expulsado en el verano del 2019 es un cabildero para la estadidad de Puerto Rico en Washington, situación que expone El poder del culto a la personalidad --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for Wednesday July 21, 2021 - Enough is enough

July 21, 2021 16:00 - 42 minutes - 40 MB

Greetings and the best desires for your well-being! We think it's already high time for the Misinformation to stop and for the anti vaccination attitude to cease to exist. Also we think there is a gun problem in America and the billionaires that are going to space are being subjected to un-warranted hate. --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for Thursday July 15th 2021

July 15, 2021 15:00 - 22 minutes - 21.6 MB

In light of what's happening in our country is there hope for the future? --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for Wednesday July 14th 2021

July 14, 2021 15:00 - 33 minutes - 31.7 MB

The situation in Cuba and Haiti is alarming. Equally alarming is the reaction here at home and from international groups that were very vocal in the year 2020 about police brutality but have been silent in condemning what's going on in both Cuba and haiti. Let me explain... --- Send in a voice message:

Espanol: episodio de paso para el lunes Julio 12 año 2021 mensaje de pasada

July 12, 2021 15:30 - 14 minutes - 14.1 MB

Llevamos varios días sin comunicarnos y este episodio es uno para mantenerte informado de ciertos cambios que vienen pronto pero seguimos observando los eventos que se están llevando a cabo a nivel político social económico religioso porque te prometimos que el silencio no era una opción --- Send in a voice message:

Drive by message July 12th 2021

July 12, 2021 15:00 - 12 minutes - 11.6 MB

I am just passing by in this episode to let you know that I am alive and that they are plans for changes coming but of course I mentioned some situations taking place that people continue to be interested in or been divided about --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Episodio de Junio 8 2021 - Un 4 de julio decepcionante

July 08, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 59.9 MB

En este episodio de nuestro esfuerzo hablo de El sentimiento brutalmente decepcionante qué sentí este año durante las celebraciones de el cumpleaños de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Hasta ese magno evento ha sido politizado Pero qué se puede esperar de una nación que usó la política en una de las emergencias médicas más grandes de nuestros tiempos --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Episodio de Julio 8 2021 - Un 4 de julio decepcionante

July 08, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 59.9 MB

En este episodio de nuestro esfuerzo hablo de El sentimiento brutalmente decepcionante qué sentí este año durante las celebraciones de el cumpleaños de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Hasta ese magno evento ha sido politizado Pero qué se puede esperar de una nación que usó la política en una de las emergencias médicas más grandes de nuestros tiempos --- Send in a voice message:

Episode 4 Wednesday July 7th 2021

July 07, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 99 MB

Greetings from Florida at a moment in which hurricane Elsa might be entering the state. In this episode we will talk about the July 4th celebration or better yet the depressive reaction to the quintessential holiday in america. This to me was the most depressing one because of all the controversy going on and as usual I blame both the left and the right for the unnecessary stress on a celebration that should be about not the perfection of our country because we're not perfect but the success ...

Episode for Sunday July 4th 2021 Independence of the United States

July 04, 2021 18:13 - 58 minutes - 55.6 MB

Today we celebrate the 245th birthday of the Great American nation which in my opinion is the best country in the world. The reality is that we're the lesser of many evils because in this birthday and in every birthday and every Independence Day we like to brag about our freedoms our Liberty and how great we are and to certain extent we are. I learned to love and respect this country since an early age but it wouldn't be consistent with my efforts if I ignore several things that are happening...

Español: Episodio de el 4 de julio Independencia de los Estados Unidos

July 04, 2021 17:04 - 58 minutes - 54.8 MB

Que significa este día? Para mí significa varias cosas negativas y positivas. En este episodio sí expresó alegría y mi admiración por un país que ha representado tanto para millones pero no se pueden negar ciertas cosas que nos tienen atados mentalmente y de eso hablamos en este episodio de nuestro esfuerzo --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for Thursday July 1st 2021

July 01, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 63.8 MB

We hope that when this episode drops on anchor FM that you're all doing great! And this chapter we talk about the comments made by Dr Anthony fauci stating that the way vaccination it's been conducted in the United States we might end up with two Americas one mostly vaccinated and one hardly vaccinated and to that I say where have you been doctor? We've had two Americas for quite a while now and we talk about that because those two Americas are different in more ways than just health issues. ...

Español: episodio para él miércoles 30 de junio año 2021

June 30, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 68.1 MB

Saludos y gracias por su respaldo. En este episodio que acaban de encontrar nuestro tema principal sigue siendo el derrumbe del edificio en el condado miami-dade específicamente en surfside. Estudiamos cronológicamente los eventos qué llevaron al derrumbe de este edificio y como ya se veían signos de peligro hacen varios años atrás y también vemos como los rescatistas están haciendo lo más humanamente posible para encontrar sobrevivientes aunque el tiempo apremia. Hablamos también de un probl...

Episode for June 29th 2021

June 29, 2021 15:05 - 1 hour - 81.3 MB

I am sending my best wishes for all of you my friends and in this episode we want to talk about the battle between the two major political parties concerning crime control in the streets. It is a topic that exposes the hypocrisy of both parties and I will tell you about it but first more details regarding the situation in Surfside Florida and more topics but I invite you to consider while you listen to our show our effort our podcast --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for June 28th 2021

June 28, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 62.5 MB

Happy beginning of the week for everybody and thank you for listening to our effort. Here we will discuss the different matters involved in the discussion of the collapse of the condo in Surfside including how long ago did people know that this could happen. We're also talking about the return of Donald Trump to the road kicking off with a rally in Ohio and what implications that could bring to the midterm elections in 2022 and even the presidential elections of 2024. Finally van Jones set re...

Español: Episodio para el 26 de junio 2021

June 26, 2021 15:00 - 55 minutes - 52.3 MB

Espero que todos se encuentren bien Al momento de soltar este episodio. Hoy lamentablemente hablo del derrumbe de ese edificio de apartamentos en la zona de Miami Beach y la posibilidad de que ese no sea el único edificio que ha tenido problema con el terreno en el que está edificado. El otro tema importante es la sentencia al policía que asesinó porque aunque no era la intención terminó asesinando a George Floyd en Minnesota en el año 2020. Y claro también discutimos un tema que sigue siendo...

Episode for June 24th 2021

June 24, 2021 15:01 - 1 hour - 58.9 MB

Greetings and once again thank you for your support. In this episode we will be discussing President Joseph biden's problems with the progressives who don't think he is pushing back hard enough against Republican opposition for the new voting bill. Also we want to see the differences between different media networks in the way they cover the news specifically police involvement and how that affects the country --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for June 22nd 2021

June 22, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 67 MB

I hope this new episode finds you doing well. Here we talk about Juneteenth and other matters affecting the African-American community. We also dig into some headlines that in our opinion it's surprising they are headlines and we talk about poverty and crime --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Episodio para junio 19 2021

June 19, 2021 16:32 - 53 minutes - 50.9 MB

Espero que todos estén bien. En esta edición de nuestro esfuerzo hablo en general de mis sentimientos acerca de la falta de conexion que existe entre generaciones en torno a la política y otros temas sociales y también expresó mis sentimientos acerca de cómo se necesita estar en un nivel moderado e ignorar a los extremistas izquierdistas y derechistas --- Send in a voice message:

Episode for July 18th 2021

June 18, 2021 15:00 - 58 minutes - 55.7 MB

Greetings and once again thank you for your continuous support and attention. And this episode I would like to bring to your attention the fifth anniversary of the largest mass murder involving the lgbtq community in the history of this country and the timing of one of the most popular politicians in the country to take measures to make sure that community is not serviced like they need to be. Also my analysis of what happened in Geneva involving the meeting between American President Joseph ...

Episode for June 16th 2021

June 16, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 75.7 MB

Greetings and our best wishes that you're doing good at this moment and always! Today we talk one more time about the politicization of covid Plus Joe Manchin and his efforts to block the agenda of President Joseph Biden and the possibility that maybe the man is not as bipartisan as he claims to be --- Send in a voice message:

Español: episodio originalmente pactado para junio 12, publicado el 14 de junio

June 14, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 66 MB

Hola, saludos! En este episodio de nuestro podcast hablamos extendidamente de cómo el covid 19 a sido manejado propiamente en Singapur y en otros lados de Asia pero siguiendo en esa línea de pensamiento no hemos terminado con la pandemia todavía. La foto de la joven Laura arrighetti te dice la historia de cómo éste virus ha expuesto las deficiencias en el mundo pero específicamente en Latinoamérica para poder controlar esta pandemia. Pero nuestro tema principal es la manera como los políticos...

Episode for June 10th 2021

June 10, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 59.8 MB

Greetings and thank you for listening to our effort! In today's episode I go deep into the racial conversation in America including some personal perspectives. Also we continue to cover the conversation about Brazil and their difficulties as of late. In addition we touch on the racial disparities exposed by the pandemic and to the younger generation or even the middle aged generation you have to be careful what you do now because it may come back to haunt you years later --- Send in a voic...

Episode for June 8th 2021

June 08, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 58.1 MB

Once again hello and thank you for listening to our effort here on anchor fm. And this edition of our podcast we will be talking about the following:. 1- Brazil not long ago was supposed to become the second superpower out of our hemisphere after the United States of course. But years of government corruption and social problems have plunged the awesome Brazilian people into an uncertain future and if you add Jair bolsonaro you know things are bad. The problem is that just like in the United ...

What are we really doing when we take sides in the ongoing israeli-palestinian confrontation?

June 06, 2021 16:47 - 32 minutes - 30.5 MB

We see the hashtags on social media! It's either I stand with Israel or I stand with Palestine and honestly we stand by nothing more than the end of this nonsense. In our opinion both sides need to reach strong compromises and respect each other but is it going to happen? We're going to talk about that and also we discuss a disturbing trend in sports in America especially the game of baseball --- Send in a voice message:

Espanol: Episodio de Junio 5, 2021

June 05, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 60.2 MB

Hola, saludos a todos, damas y caballeros!  El Angryrican aqui con un nuevo formato y en este episodio en particular los siguientes temas: 1- Ahora que la pandemia se ve mermando aqui en los Estados Unidos, hay un reporte que es hasta donde sabemos evidencia circunstancial de el principio de este infierno.  En este pais se jugo con este virus de manera politica.  Ambos lados tienen una responsabilidad enorme de lo que ha sucedido.  Pero, como se origino este virus, como se salio de cpontrol e...

Episode for June 3rd 2021

June 05, 2021 01:07 - 58 minutes - 53.9 MB

We hope you're doing okay and in this episode of real life is fake this is what we're talking about: 1- China and the enigma that it is pre and post covid, 2- memorial Day and what I think about it from my perspective, 3- the new GOP Russia and why this Republican party does not represent conservatism anymore, 4- Naomi Osaka and the issue of mental health among athletes, 5- sports fans behavior post-covid after the lifting of restrictions --- Send in a voice message:

Episode from June 1st 2021

June 01, 2021 15:00 - 1 hour - 59.1 MB

In this episode we discuss: 1- Yes, we have a Gun problem in America and it's due to our nature 2- Rick Santorum, Native Americans and why everyone is wrong 3- Is Benjamin Netanyahou an opportunist and if so, did his political opportunism created the attacks on Palestine? 4- Not everything is work in this life --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Un mensaje de pasada

May 30, 2021 17:56 - 17 minutes - 16.2 MB

En este mini mensaje expresó ciertos cambios que quiero hacer en este esfuerzo y a la misma vez explicar las cosas que le suceden a uno cuando hace un podcast y como quieras llamarle a esto --- Send in a voice message:

The latest drive-by message

May 26, 2021 19:54 - 8 minutes - 8.1 MB

I am just taking this opportunity to make an announcement about the podcast. God bless each and everyone of you --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Hacia dónde vamos con el conflicto israelita palestino?

May 19, 2021 17:01 - 34 minutes - 32.4 MB

En nuestra opinión el conflicto entre Israel y Palestina está exponiendo no solamente los abusos que se están cometiendo en Gaza sino también la hipocresía política y religiosa de diferentes líderes en el mundo. Hablaremos de eso y también hablaremos de un comentario hecho por un político latinoamericano que ha despertado las redes sociales y el porqué de los esfuerzos que serán nulos de traer la estadidad a Puerto Rico --- Send in a voice message:

Español: hacia dónde vamos con el conflicto israelita palestino?

May 19, 2021 17:01 - 34 minutes - 32.4 MB

En nuestra opinión el conflicto entre Israel y Palestina está exponiendo no solamente los abusos que se están cometiendo en casa sino también la hipocresía política y religiosa de diferentes líderes en el mundo. Hablaremos de eso y también hablaremos de un comentario hecho por un político latinoamericano que ha despertado las redes sociales y el porqué de los esfuerzos que serán nulos de traer la estadidad a Puerto Rico --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Cual será la verdadera razón de estar en esta guerra?

May 18, 2021 16:00 - 33 minutes - 32 MB

La situación en Gaza es desesperante. En esta nueva edición de la Intifada no sabemos si esto es un movimiento político de Netanyahu o si es oportunismo de parte de Hamas. Lo que si es cierto es la falta de entendimiento y empatía por Israel y Palestina. También, Ricardo Rosello retorna a la política de Puerto Rico pero para lo que va a cabildear es algo que honestamente es casi imposible --- Send in a voice message:

Why the conflict and who is the biggest opportunist?

May 18, 2021 15:00 - 34 minutes - 32.8 MB

To be perfectly honest and Frank some people wonder if this new conflict between Israel and Palestine was created by Benjamin Netanyahu or Hamas for reasons beyond fairness and justice. My question is do people really care about the bigger picture or do they need someone to cheer for because of their twisted political or religious reasons? We will talk about that and also the misconceptions that people have created for no reason about the covid-19 vaccines and about the whole thing if we're g...

The main reason why my voice is not heard beyond this podcast

May 15, 2021 16:00 - 32 minutes - 30.5 MB

In life one has to celebrate personal triumphs and recognize errors made.  I want to talk to you about several aspects of my life and if you are of a certain young generational group pay attention --- Send in a voice message:

Espanol: Mi mas grave error y porque mi voz no se escucha mas alla de este podcast

May 15, 2021 15:00 - 29 minutes - 27.4 MB

En la vida hay que ser conciente y celebrar triunfos pero tambien reconocer errores.  En este episodio vengo a hablar con ustedes en una forma sincera y sin pretenciones.  Los eventos de tiempos recientes asi lo demandan --- Send in a voice message:


May 14, 2021 15:25 - 43 minutes - 40.6 MB

My friends, do you want extra evidence that politics in the U.S.A. have become WWE?  Listen to the latest episode of Real Life is Fake, the next main event is Marjorie Taylor Greene vs Alexandria Ocasio Cortes, who is more toxic?  And who would win a debate?  Why should you be disgusted? --- Send in a voice message:

Brutal and effective, that's why they lost my vote

May 13, 2021 21:51 - 31 minutes - 29.4 MB

What's happening in the Republican Party is getting my attention.  I know, I know, we have many other problems: un-vaccinated individuals, police brutality and attacks against police, Asian hate, etc.  However, what is happening in the GOP has a potential to create an effect beyond their secret reunions.  Let me tell you why I think that way... --- Send in a voice message:


May 13, 2021 16:00 - 19 minutes - 18.5 MB

H --- Send in a voice message:

Español: Una miradita a los eventos recientes

May 13, 2021 16:00 - 19 minutes - 18.5 MB

En este episodio estamos repasando los eventos que están dominando el ciclo de noticias --- Send in a voice message:

I want to know why and how is this loyalty holding on

May 13, 2021 14:00 - 28 minutes - 27 MB

Today I want to put aside the diplomacy and I want to ask point blanks straight up why the Republican party is loyalty towards a man that is not good for the country at all! This is not an endorsement to the Democratic party but then again if I have to say that you haven't been paying attention --- Send in a voice message:

Español: La presencia de los sensitivos, es este el resultado de esta época o generacional?

May 12, 2021 16:00 - 30 minutes - 28.7 MB

La reacción de los astros de Houston las críticas de los fanáticos demuestra una sensitividad de parte de los atletas profesionales que o no existía o era muy bien escondida en tiempos anteriores y eso nos tiene pensando si esto es un resultado de la época en que vivimos o si es una reacción generacional o sea es esta generación más joven demasiado sensitiva a diferencia de otras pasadas generaciones? --- Send in a voice message:

After the Chauvin verdict, how are race relations in America?

May 12, 2021 15:00 - 32 minutes - 30.3 MB

It looks very clear cut, right?  Cop misuses his force, creates an unnecessary death, is found guilty, so that's it,right?  It's more complicated than that, as you'll see in this episode of Real Life is Fake.  Plus the reason behind the Gates' divorce.  It's got to do with someone who was apparently suicided   --- Send in a voice message:

Twitter Mentions

@kayleighmcenany 1 Episode
@cspan 1 Episode